Rose and Lavender

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Hermione couldn't believe that she had cried in front of Malfoy, she was more surprised that he had comforted her a little. Of course, she rarely saw him after that. She didn't tell anyone about their encounter, she didn't want her friends to think she had gone soft for the ferret, but she couldn't help but feel a little better. There were no apologies, no long speeches, and there was no pity from him. It was what she needed, she wondered why Ron hadn't given her that.

It was the morning of the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match and Hermione had just witnessed Harry slip something into Ron's drink, she immediately knew what it was. She got frustrated, Harry was already cheating, in her eyes, with that potions book and now he was going to do the same with the Quidditch match. In truth, Hermione had been avoiding them both for a little while. Partially because of the guilt she felt with her moment with Malfoy and partially because, ever since Ron had seen Ginny kissing Dean, he had been 'a right foul git'. They were Ginny's words but she definitely thought they had some standing. She stormed off after a heated argument with Harry and bumped into Draco. An immediate colour of red had shown on her cheeks.

"Trouble in paradise?" he asked, nodding over to the two other thirds of the Golden Trio.

"What's it to you, Malfoy?" Hermione responded with a glare. She was confused about how to react around him. He had seen her in her most vulnerable state, usually being known for her cool-headed logic, she was embarrassed. She barged past him. She was very angry at Harry, she even thought about not going to the match as a sort of protest, but decided against it. 

The atmosphere after the match was incredible. All the Gryffindors were chanting 'Weasley is Our King!' at the top of their lungs. She didn't know how they were going to get down from the high they were so clearly on. It really was an amazing game, Ginny and Demelza were scoring left and right, the beaters were clearly better at their aim than the try-outs and Harry caught the snitch, although that was a very close call. As she walked over to the changing rooms she overheard a group of fourth-year students talking.

"I can't believe we won! Against Slytherin too! Did you hear? Malfoy apparently called off sick, that's why Harper took his place," she said.

"Yeah but Harry would've still caught the snitch if it were Malfoy anyway," he responded.

"Come on, the party will start soon!" and they both ran off towards the castle.

After learning that Harry did not put Felix Felicis into the pumpkin juice, Ron stormed off. He obviously took it the wrong way when Hermione said that that was the reason he had saved every goal. How was I supposed to know? She thought the anger was becoming more visible every second.

 "Er," said Harry into the sudden silence; he had not expected his plan to backfire like this, "shall... shall we go up to the party, then?"

"You go!" said Hermione, blinking back tears. "I'm sick of Ron at the moment, I don't know what I'm supposed to have done..."

She stormed off again for the second time today. She was furious. Rushing off to her dorm, she was hoping that the party hadn't started yet so she could slip in and out with a few books without it being too much of a fuss. She was completely wrong. Of course, it would be the Gryffindors to start a party as soon as they could. There were so many people packed into the common room, all the seats were taken up by couples, and there were even a few students who weren't in Gryffindor here. The sight she saw next was not one she had expected at all. Her whole body went cold as if someone had reached in and ripped out her heart.

There he was, Ronald Weasley with Lavender Brown. They weren't hugging or talking, they were kissing - kissing! She had realised that she had been staring for a little while, not that they noticed, they hadn't even stopped to catch their breath. That's when she ran. She ran past Ginny who had seen how upset she was but she didn't even look at her.

How could he? Yes, I know we are not together but last year I kissed him! For good luck! She thought. It should be me he was celebrating with, not her. He barely knew her. Why?

"WHY?" she screamed as she entered the first classroom she saw. She fell to the ground and started to cry. A few minutes later she forced herself up and sat on the teacher's desk. She practised a little charm, four tweeting yellow birds flew in a circle above her head as she let her tears dry. Harry had come in to talk to her, he must have seen her run off from the party. What happened next, no one could predict. Ron had pulled Lavender into the classroom and was surprised to see that it was not empty. That was the turning point for her.

"Oppugno!" she shrieked at the doorway. Her little birds had travelled at a fast speed towards Ron. As he batted them away, shouting for them to get off, she slammed the door shut.

Not wanting to go back into the common room, she walked about the castle. The tears had started to slow after twenty minutes but every now and then a few slipped down her cheek. She had finally stopped at the Astronomy Tower and looked out over the ledge. The grounds look scary from up here, the darkness rolled along the grass in the spots where the moonlight wasn't able to reach. It wasn't too windy but the breeze was noticeable and quite cold. She looked up to see that the sky was covered in stars, it was hard to find a patch of deep blue that didn't have a one or two. Even though Hermione didn't have a jacket, she couldn't feel anything. Alone for the first time, she relished in it. Closing her eyes and spreading her arms a little, she breathed in. The cold had harshly cut through her nostrils but she didn't care. She felt contempt for a moment.

"DONT!" She felt someone pulling her backwards. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he yelled. She looked at the blond hair and then at the grey eyes that stared at her, he was plagued with worry.

"Nothing, what are you talking about?" she had no idea why Malfoy looked at her as if she was about to break at any moment and, frankly, she was annoyed that he pulled her out of her trance.

"I thought- maybe you- why did you- YOU LOOKED LIKE YOU WERE ABOUT TO JUMP!" he shouted but he wasn't angry. He held onto her arm and she could feel his pulse, it was pumping hard and racing. Now realising how she must of she looked, she assured him that it wasn't what he thought.

"How was I supposed to know? Your cheeks are wet, your breathing was shaking, and only a crazy person would stay up here with no jacket, it's freezing! Merlin's beard, Granger!" he exclaimed. As soon as he said that Hermione realised she was shaking, goose bumps forming on her arms.

"I hadn't n-n-noticed until n-n-now," she said shivering tremendously now. Malfoy rapidly took off his jumper and handed it over, not taking his eyes off her for a second. 

He walked her down the stairs and started looking for classrooms that had a fireplace. Finally, after the fifth try, he found one. Grabbing a chair and plonking it down right in front of it, he gestured for her to sit. She complied and started to warm up gradually.

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