Chapter 6

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"Almost finish." I mopped the floor quickly. "Hey yuu. Watch out for the stairs near you. Don't fall." mitsuba said and I grinned. "I'll be alright." I continued to mopped the floor until someone stepped on the place that I just clean he fuck? I looked up and I was kimizuki. "What the hell telephone poll? I just cleaned that!" I shouted. "Uh.. my bad." he tried to walk the other way. "Hey I just cleaned that too!" I pointed at the wooden floor. "Then where am I suppose to do? Fly?!" he screamed and I was about to punch him, I slipped and fell down the stairs. "Yuu!" mitsuba panicked and I saw kimizuki head towards be down the stairs with mitsuba. I lost conscious.


I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was shinoa's face. "Thank goodness you're awake yuu-san. Fell from the stairs? Seriously. You need to be more careful. Many people were worried sick." she continued to treat me. "What..what time is it now?" I asked hoarsely. "It 7.07 p.m. You twisted your ankle a bit and several light bruises. You'll be able to walk normal by tomorrow afternoon." she put away her things and took a chair to sit next to the bed. "Thanks shinoa." I tried to sit up on the bed and I felt pain from me leg went through my whole body. "Lay down yuu-san." she place her hands on top of mine with a concerned looked.

"I was surprised when I heard you fell down. Mitsuba called me out for help to get the things ready while yoichi-san and kimizuki-san carried you here. They were so worried..especially me yuu-san."she gripped my hand and I smiled. "This is nothing serious shinoa. You're worried to much." I said. The door suddenly opened and it was mika. He stared at us for a while and frowned. "So this is what you're doing? Flirting?" he asked and I frowned. "Fuck you I'm not. Shinoa just tended my wounds." I stated. Mika glanced at shinoa and for unknown reason he gave her an icy glare which she gave him a smiled. Is it me or the room started to get cold. "Hands off." he spat and walked away. "What was that all about? Mood swings?" I scratched at the back of my head feeling confused. "I always knew you're dumb but I didn't know you're this dumb. Not to mention dense." she sighed.

*At night

Shinoa already head back to her room. She insist me to stay he because my room is far from here for me to go there but staying here is... this old infirmary really give me the chills. Well, it's a good thing this place is clean. As much as I wanted to be lazy, I rather head back to my own room. I slowly sat up from my bed and the door suddenly opened wide. "Ahh!" I screamed and it turned out it was only mika. "Jesus.. you scared the life out of me." I let out a relieved sighed. "What are you? A girl?" he walked towards me. "Screaming does not determined gender. What are you doing here?" I asked. "Making fun of you." he said nonchalantly and I furrowed my brows. This guy really has nothing to do but disturbs me. "Yeah yeah do what you want. I'm going back to my room." I tried to stand but I immediately sat back on the bed. It's painful.

"Are you stupid trying to walk with that condition. Stay here." he said and I shook my head. "So stubborn." he sighed and he suddenly place his hand on by back while his other hand behind both of my knees. "What are you-woah!!" I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck while he's carrying me bridal style. "P-put me down!" I stuttered. "Says the one who holds on to me tightly." he huffed and walked out of the infirmary and headed to my room. I bit my lower lip and looked away from him.He confuses me sometime. One time he's a total jerk and the next thing I knew he's gentle. What the fuck? He has bunch of personalities or what?

"Have you had your dinner yet?" he asked and I nodded. "Yeah. Shinoa brought the food and drink for me so I didn't have to get up. But I'm still a bit thirsty" I mumbled. "Thirsty for a fuck?" he asked and I blushed. "No!" I denied him and he chuckled. Dirty minded bastard. Mika stopped in front of my room and I moved my arm from his neck and opened the door then he entered my room. He lay me on the bed carefully not to hurt my injured leg. "You're heavy." he stretched his hands up and let out a deep groaned. Shit that was hot. "Or maybe you're the one who is not strong enough." I smirked and he rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say." mika walked out of the room.

I laid on my bed trying to get myself comfortable unfortunately i can't because this not a bed. It's tow large wooden boxes covered with white sheet. I wonder how long should I stay here? 3 months? 7 months? Years? I don't know.. everyone here is nice. Even kimizuki, he's acting like that but he has a kind a heart. I closed my eyes then I heard footsteps and the door to my room opened. "Oh.. he's asleep." I heard he walked towards my bed and the sound of tap at the nightstand. As I was about to open my eyes, I felt something warm on my cheek. H-he's touching my face? His hand moved to touch my lips with his fingers. Is he going to do something weird like last night? Then, I felt a hit breath near my face. Is he going to..kiss me? "OMG why is there a freaking thong here!" someone shouted. "Sorry that's mine!" lacus replied. The next thing I knew mika got out from my room.

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