Chapter 22

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"Hmmnn.." I slowly opened my eyes. Where am I? then I remembered what happened. Mika! I immediately sat up from the bed and I felt my head was throbbing in pain. Ouch my head.. "It seems that you're finally awake sir." the guard said. "Where am I?" I asked. "You're currently inside the ship sir. Now we're sending you back to your mansion. To be kidnapped by the pirate must have been hard for you sir but don't worry sir, it's all over now." he said and walked out of the room. "You know nothing.." I mumbled. Mika.. I wonder if he's alright with the others? I didn't even say goodbye to him. I missed him already.


"Darling!" as I stepped inside the mansion, my parents were standing at the entrance. My mother embraced me so hard that I could hardly breathe. "You made us so worried. I thought I lost you for good yuu!" she cried and I patted her back. "You always caused us so much trouble you know that brat." guren said but I saw he was holding back his tears. "I'm..back." I mumbled and my mom pulled away. "Oh yes! We have to tell akane about this! She would be very thrilled right honey?"she clasped her hands together while looked over her at guren. "Whatever you say mahiru." she rolled his eyes. "Geez you should be more joyful." my mom huffed.

"May I be excuse? I feel tired." I mumbled. "Oh yes of course darling. The maids cleaned your room every single day so you don't have to worry about getting dirty." she kissed my cheek and I nodded. On my way to my room, I saw shinya was standing in front of my door. "Welcome back." he smiled tenderly. I felt tears started to streaming down my cheeks and I ran towards shinya then hugged him. "S-shinya.. what should I do. I lost him!" I sobbed and he patted my back.

"What do you mean?" he asked softly and I looked up to him with teary eyes. "Ah..I see. You're in love..yet." shinya wiped away my tears but I started to cried even more. "I want to see him shinya." I whimpered. "I wish I can help you but.. you need to get some rest yuu. I'll be here with you." he opened the door and both of us went inside my room.


It has been two months since I last saw mika. Akane came to see me once in a while since I finally agreed to marry her. This is my fate so I have to accept it. My mother was happy when I agreed to marry akane so she prepared a ball for tonight and the wedding will be held in a week. I still remember the day I returned, I told shinya everything and he just kept quiet while stroking my black hair. I told him it was painful to be apart from someone we love and he nodded in agreement. Shinya and I have the same feeling of lost but different situation.

"Yuu-nii!" I felt someone yanked my sleeve. It was akane who was pouting. "You have been quiet since the day you returned. Don't ignore me!" she huffed. "Sorry about that akane." I scratched my head. "It's alright! We're getting married next week so let's dance and have fun." she dragged me until we stood at the center of the crowd. The music started to play and the both us danced.

She seems to be enjoying her time but I felt nothing honestly. This dance is nothing compared to the dance I had with mika. That dance was sensual and the only thing I felt at that time was happy. I held back from crying and continued to dance with akane. The ball went smoothly as my parent were expecting and after it's all over, I head to my room to take a bath and get ready for bed. I laid on my bed and let out a heavy sighed. I'm living in prison. I buried my face on my pillow. "Mika.." I mumbled his name.

"Yes?" a voice said and I turned my head to see mika was standing at the veranda. Wait how on earth? How? The glassed door was opened and I didn't even noticed he opened it without making a sound. We stared at each other for a while. "You're too late mika." I stated. "I know." he said it nonchalantly and I frowned. "How did you know my room is here?" I asked him. "I accidentally bumped into a man named shinya I think when I secretly sneaked inside your garden. Long story short, he told me you would be here." Mika shrugged.

"How can you be so calm about this mika! Did you know I have to get married next week?" I shouted furiously and he quirked his brows. "Oh really?" he walked towards my bed. "That's your respond? I was thinking of you all this time mika! I missed you so much and feel so miserable to be here!" I got off my bed and stood in front of him. "Do you even love me mika?" I asked him. "I do. Isn't that obvious that I came all the way here?" he carefully grasped both of my cold hands

"But you're too late mika.. I'm going to get married soon" I mumbled. "Yuu-chan, do you read pirate story book?" he asked and I nodded. "Yeah why you asked?" I raised my eye brows. "And what do they always to when they wanted to get something they always wanted?" he smiled and I realized what he meant. Steal.. The pirate would steal.. " serious mika?" I asked and he pulled me close to him. "If I'm not then I wouldn't have came here yuu-chan." mika chuckled. "Take me away mika.." I muttered. "You don't have to tell me that. Since I'm a pirate, I tend to steal things you know." his other hand moved to my head and yanked my hair back. "Oh so I'm your thing now?" I teased him.

"More like my property." he leaned down at the crook of my neck and kissed me there. Oh god I missed his touch but this is not the time for it. "Mika not now.." I moaned and he pulled away. "I guess I can wait. Go pack your things that you need to bring because you won't be coming here again." he said and I nodded. I grabbed all the things I needed including the album of my family. Since I'm not going to stay here anymore so the album is what I need. "Got everything?" he asked and I nodded. "Yes. Let's go mika." I said and both of us escape.

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