Chapter 1

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"AHHHHHH!", a high-pitched girls voice screams.

"Where are the servants when you really need them?!". A tall, graceful, breathtaking, beautiful, but vain princess storms off through the hallways.

"I call and I call, and no help to my beckon call! I'm a Princess for crying out loud!". The young lady, with dirty blonde hair and the bluest eyes, who's too self centered, looking at a small mirror and applying lipstick, to take notice that she collides into a plump maid who was carrying a tray with a pot of tea and cups, which comes crashing to the floor, shattering into a million pieces.

"You! Can't you see I was walking here! Move it you hideous pig!", she retorts to the maid who looks like she was about to tear up. " Sorry milady, it w-won't happen again", she replies, and bends down to the floor and starts picking up the shattered pieces.

"And you better make sure it does not happen again or else I'll feed you to the dogs!", she steps on the maid and keeps walking through the halls, calling for a servant to help her for her every need.

That is Princess Victoria for you. The beautiful, smart, but vain princess.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"For the hundredth time Victoria! Pick someone or I'll do it myself!", the father of Princess Victoria, king of Angelosia, tells his spoiled 17 year old daughter.

"You would not daddy!?", Victoria whines and giving a pouty look. " It's not my fault most of them are ugly, fat, stupid, old, too young, really boring, smelly, or too bony. They all look like a fail of a prince or they just have been living with and raised with wild, disgusting animals!".

"Victoria!", the king, who looks like he's in no mood to mess around with his daughter replies,"You will either marry the next man that comes through that door or I will make you work in the pig farm for the next 6 months while you are picking the remaining suitors."

The princess gasps in horror, looking almost pale,"you would not daddy! I'll pick a prince, but please, nothing but the pig farm."

"And it's not that Victoria! It's your attitude towards people. Your going to be the next queen and I want you to be ready to rule about 3 million subjects, and they will be expecting a heartwarming ruler, not, this!". The king mutters to himself,"If only you were like your mother".

Victoria quiets down, but looks sadder and mumbles to herself," If she stayed, maybe I wouldn't be like this".


So what do you think? I think it's not the best but okay for Authors point of view, right?

My first book HER UNKNOWN SECRET wasn't the best to me, the plot twist and everything, should I continue it? I dunno. Like I said I'm a crappy writer. I will try my best on this story.

Once I do complete this, if it's any good, i'll try to edit this the best I can. I'll post a chapter once a week or more, if I have time I might post sooner.

Tell me what you think so far in comments, things I need to improve on, and other stuff.

If you have more other questions or other things kik me at punkyunicorns.

Thank you

I luv you all who actually bothers reading this!

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