Chapter 4

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Victorias POV

I wake up with my maid taking things out and putting things pack in. I yawn and I ask her,"What time is it?".

"Your highness it's already around 7:00am, we are going to be at the island in less than an hour. We should probably get you dressed up".

"Okay. Sooo, what am I wearing and please what ever you pick make sure it makes me look appealing". I take my mirror from the small stand by me, it was a birthday gift from my mom. I look into it and seeing that I'm breaking out, what a buzzkill.

"Ugh, I totally need my face ointment, can you like get it for me it's like somewhere there", I tell the maid and point to the end of the room, she starts(slowly) walking there,"And like faster!". She walks faster and gets my ointment.

After I take my warm bath, my maid puts my body ointment and my face ointment which prevents from breaking out into lots of zits/pimples/acne, whatever you want to call it. I put body cream and face cream, which keeps your skin young and smooth. My hair gets special oils, is brushed, dried, combed and curled. My maid puts my hair into a high bun taking out few pieces of hair to make it look prettier, she puts my tiara on.

I put on the white dress, which goes down to my ankles, with no straps, but with a big bow on the back, it's all glittery with real diamonds sewn into the dress to give it a sparkle. I put my white pumps on.

I look into the tall mirror beside me, I look stunning. My maid is putting all my luggage into order. One of the crew members of the boat knock at my room door, I tell him to come in. He comes and says we are at the island.

I step out of my room, onto the main deck, the crew members take my luggage to the carriage where the dock is. The maid helps me to the carriage but goes back to the cruise ship. She mutters something unpleasant, I'll make sure to get her fired if I remember her.

This carriage isn't like your classic carriage, it has no horse. My first thought was maybe the horses will come or someone will pull this. But it actually "drives" on its own. I ask the "driver" what is this and he says this is the only "taxi/car" on this island, he says it's only used for people who pay for it in advance.

He "drives" through the small town, past forests, an into a small area where huge houses are. Not cottages, bigger then that by a lot but still small compared to a huge castle. They are white, and with such great detail, there is a lot of beautiful flowers, and on the back of the house there is a small fountain surrounded by flowers(you can see it from the front).

The "driver" helps me out of the "taxi/car" and carries my luggage to the front of a house, I bet it is my commoner house. He gives me keys,"Your house keys milady". I nod and try opening the door, by my 5th try I finally opened the door. The house was white inside too but with fancy decorations, the guy puts my luggage and wishes me a good day. Oh how splendid, I walk into the house feeling hungry I look around until I think it's the kitchen. I have zero idea how to cook since most if my life the cooks did most of the cooking. I see a basket with fruit, apples, pears, and this funny looking yellow-ish fruit that makes an ark. I take a bite out of it, oh nasty I spit it out. I toss the funny looking "thing" back to the basket, I am defiantly not ever going to eat that nasty thing again. I take the apple instead and start eating it, it calms my appetite.

With nothing to do, I explore the house until I find the largest room on the 4th floor(I checked) with its own bathroom and balcony. It takes me probably a half hour or more to carry all my luggage to my room. I start unpacking and putting all my stuff into closets and cabinets. Once in done I fall onto my already done bed, and I didn't realize that I fell asleep.


I'm really not that creative, but I'm might add something more exciting in the next chapter.

I love everyone who reads this, like Sooo much.

Thank You

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