Chapter 13

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Even though Dante ordered them to switch, no one moved for a second.

I turned around and walked past the girls talking about me, "you should be careful around his 'toy'" I said. I was surprised at my boldness, usually I was pretty to myself.

We practiced with guns after, I shot a few times before sinking back to my "observation corner".

"Time for fighting"Dante said aloud, I could see people getting more hyped up. I guess they liked this part of training more.

I felt Jayda tug my arm forward as she brought me to the crowd next to Lilian. He demonstrated a few moves and pressure points before making people do them.

Probably an hour later, the fun started.

Everyone circled around a fighting ring in the gym. "What going on?" I asked Lilian. "This is something we do after training sometimes. It's fun and we get to practice moves so boss Is cool with it" she said, it was weird hearing people refer to him as boss.

Two men were fighting intensely. They swung at each other heavily and executed moves faster as the one who I knew to be Jay took down the other male.

He grinned in satisfaction as he helped the man up off the floor. "Who's next?!" Someone yelled out when a blonde haired man approached me, Dante following behind.

Dante POV:

Kai pulled me as he approached Stella. "How bout we go next doll?" He said.

I tightened my grip on his arm as he called her this, but I could understand his want to see what else she was capable of.

Before she could answer he yelled out. "Me and Stella are going!" He said walking up to the ring.

"Kai what the hell" I muttered in a dangerous tone. "It's fine cousin, I won't hurt her" he said before continuing to walk.

I looked at Stella to see her eyes growing more fierce, I've seen that look before. It was a dangerous one.

She shook her head and her eyes went back to normal, she then followed Kai.

Stella POV:

As we walked up together, he spoke. "It's ok, I won't hurt you" he said. "Good for you" I muttered and he smirked.

We took our positions next across from each other when a gang member signaled our start.

He lightly launched himself at me while I slid underneath his legs and made him loose balance for a moment.

That was his first mistake. With a simple move, he had shown me all his weak spots, whether it was intentional or not didn't matter.

He was slow on his right leg, and lost balance on it easily. He made a move to guard his face first showing that was a weak spot and could easily distract him, leaving for a quick takeout.

As I slid behind him I kicked him in the back at a sideways angle and he stumbled forward.

I went for another kick when he grabbed my leg and twisted it causing my to loose balance and fall.

I landed on my back and quickly threw myself back up again using my legs. I was still in control, but it wasn't soon before my true self seemed to take over my moves.

I threw a punch directly at his face which made him hesitate, but I quickly directed it to his gut and smashed his stomach with my forceful fist.

He stumbled back and landed on the ring strings, noises and screams were everywhere around me.

I could tell he stopped playing easy when he noticed I wasn't just some girl he could take down.

He ran straight at me with full speed, I launched myself at him and put my hands on both of his shoulders.

I swung my legs up so it looked like I was doing a round-off off of his shoulders at a sideways angle. As my body swung backwards behind him. I slammed his body back backwards, the air knocking out of him.

This move was extremely hard to perform, I learned it in almost a day with my dad and I was working at it constantly.

As he stood up after a quick movement, I knew this would soon end. That move gave me several leverages, it damaged his back to an extent where his moves would be performed sloppier and he would feel out of energy.

He swung at me and his fist landed on my stomach, he swiped my legs from under me.

I landed and he pinned my legs down, "give up?" He asked.

I wiggled my leg free and swung it around and kicked him in the jaw. The force of the kick caused him to fly back about a meter.

He got up and swung his leg hitting me in the Right leg very hard.

I stammered before regaining balance. He launched himself at me again when I smirked. I slowly moved out of the way and tripped him, while he fell I swung my leg as hard as I could at his stomach.

After that he landed and signaled defeat.

I climbed out of the ring to be applauded by everyone. When I reached Jayda and Lilian, Lilian patted me on the back with force, making me jump forward. Jayda couldn't stop showing me the video of the fight she recorded.

I scanned the room to find those green eyes.

He was staring at me with such intensity it almost made me wanna run.

1 hour later:

"I've only seen that move one other time" Dante finally said, as we drove home.

"Hm?" I asked, turning me gaze from the window to meet his, we stopped at a McDonald's drive thru when I asked.

"That move, when you flipped yourself over his shoulders sideways, and pulled him back with you. I've only seen it one other time" he said facing forwards.

"From who?" I asked. "There was a man I knew once. He was a trainer of sorts" he continued.

"Stella tell me, how many forms of fighting do you have experience in?" He asked

"Muay Thai, Shaolin, Krav Maga, Silat, and just regular fighting I guess, and some others" I said yawning.

He turned his head towards me and blinked once before leaning in, "your incredible" he said an inch before my lips.

I felt my face get flustered, "um sir, here's your food" Said an employee through the window.

He grabbed the food and drove out of the drive way.

As I grabbed my McFlurry from the bag and started to eat it, he snatched it from my hand and began to eat it.

I stood still in my position, looking at him with annoyance

He looked over and smirked, "What's wrong with you?" He asked as if he didn't know what he just did.

"Hm okay" I said turning my body to the window and crossing my legs. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing" I said as we pulled up to the house. I hopped out quickly and basically ran to my bedroom and locked the door.

I took the fastest shower in history and slipped into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

I heard someone knock on the door. "Stella?" I heard Dante ask.

I opened the door slightly and stuck my face out a bit, "hmm?" I said. "Are you gonna let me in?" He asked.

"No you ate my ice cream" I said quickly shutting the door and locking it.

He knocked on the door repeatedly again before threatening to break it down.

I hid in the closet as he picked the lock and walked in, inspecting the room.

To be continued

-hope you enjoyed updating soon

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