Chapter 36

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"Are you sure your parents will like me?" I asked as I fixed Dante's tie.

"Yes Stella, if anything they're mad at me for not being able to meet you before I proposed" he answered, reaching down to kiss me.

It's been a few weeks since he proposed, and unlike he suggested, I decided to skew from a long engagement. The faster I can be called Stella Romano the happier I'll be. He asked that I attend therapy though, for everything. I was reluctant to begin with, but it ended up being, How should I put it?

Relaxing, relieving, calming...

And well, I'm attending courses to major in phycology, help people who can't cope with their own pain. Maybe for every life Dante takes, it'll be a life I save.

His parents were visiting, my first time meeting them. I felt extremely rude to be meeting them after their son decided to marry me, but it was simply unavoidable. The past year had been hectic, to say the least. It was at a party being thrown in a hall for gala's downtown. Everyone was invited, to meet who the Devil claimed.

"Stop panicking babe, If I love you, they'll love you" he said sweetly, kissing me on the check before spinning me around, and giving me a firm smack on the ass. Causing me to giggle.

I lifted the ends of my navy blue dress and slipped on a pair of dark heels, checking the mirror one last time to make sure I looked fine.


There was a lot of powerful people in this place.

Leaders oozed power like it was their natural born scent. I latched onto Dante's arm, greeting every nod with a smile. Everyone was here, Jian, Ricardo, Bella, Jayda, Jay, Kai, Lilian, Jason, Josie, and much to Dante's dislike.


It was custom in his family to invite major business interests to events like these, and it would've been seen as disrespectful to the treaty if he wasn't invited. Viktor gave a tight nod to Dante, and a softer smile to me before whipping around and talking to other men.

"Fucker" Dante gritted out, I gave his ring clad hand a kiss before smiling up at him. He returned the action affectionately, ignoring the signs of respect he got as he led me to our table.

Everything was either white or gold. Jayda did a good job as party planner, the were lots of tables. Covered in a white table cloth, a diagonal gold strip going across, and other decorations lighting up the place.

He pulled my chair out for me, following after I took my seat. The moment we sat everyone stood and clapped at us, every molecule of attention landing on him and I. He smiled politely, raising my hand in his to show the people my ring. The clapping got louder, and I got happier for some strange reason.

When that ended, Dante was called to his 'room' in the back of the hall. Business as always, I excused him myself, wanting to find Josie as he took care of whatever he had to at the moment.

I saw her leaning against the marble wall, chatting with Jay rather closely. "Cute ain't they?" Jayda's voice whispered in my ear. I smiled and whipped around, embracing her in a hug. "This is really real" I stated, breathless. She nodded happily, as her attention turned to Kai, talking to Jason.

He caught her admiring glance and winked. Guess that answers my question, "Official" I stated. She turned back to me and blushed, Jason and Kai came over, Josie, Jay and Lilian following. Her arm was wrapped around a males. He was a good few inches taller than her lean body, he had light brown hair and dark blue eyes.

There was a bruise under his eye fading.

They all looked at me, tight smiles as if holding in a laugh. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, sticking out my right hand to show them the ring. They all gave girly squeals, Kai and Jay doing the most.

"Oh my god!" Jay screamed out, his voice high pitched, echoing against the walls. Everyone looked at us and went back to their conversation soon after.

"I can't believe you're really getting married. And to that asshole out of all!" Kai exclaimed, cocking his hip to the side and pointing at Dante's door. I laughed loudly.

I grabbed Josie's hand and gave it a squeeze, smiling at her.

"I'm happy for you" she whispered, I looked over to her and smiled. When I peeked over and saw her other arm was wrapped around Jay's, I looked back at her smiling and raised an eyebrow. She smiled sheepishly and let her other fall around his arm.

"I'm happy for you, just let me know if he hurts you and I'll run him over" Jason stated proudly. "Thanks Jase" I sighed smiling. " guys are really related then?" Lilian asked. Everyone commented and I laughed.

"Speaking of you Lilian I see you've brought a date" I said, smiling suggestively. She twisted her red dress in her hands, "Ahh yes, Stella this is Daniel" she introduced, seeming to shy to go over the rest of the details.

I chuckled, he smiled and stuck out his hand. "Nice to meet you Stella, and congratulations" he said. I took it and shook his hand, "Thanks" I said.

Bella ran up to me, her purple dress flouncing behind her. "Mom and Dad are here" she chuckled darkly. Kai whistled, "Time to greet your makers" he sighed, gesturing to me. Jay rolled his eyes, "You'll be fine Stella" he assured, everyone following to the other side of room.

I rubbed my hands together nervously, as I stared from a distance. I could see Dante and Ricardo come out, he walked towards me and Ricardo towards the door. "Babe, it'll be fine" he promised, kissing my temple. I sighed and nodded.

Letting him guide me to the door.

To Be Continued

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