U guys r horny, heres ur smut scene

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So many of y'all wanted a smut scene from chapter 16 SO HERE YA GO YA HORNY BASTARDS

(P.S. I luh u guys)

(I feel like a dirty whore writing this )

This is dedicated to Astrisxm
This for u girl,

"I'm going to take a shower, care to join me?" Dante asks between the bathroom doorframe, grinning devilishly. His swimming trunks hung low on his waist, defined stomach muscles gleamed at me like silver under the fluorescent lights. I meet his eyes and frown, "I just showered before you, besides, I know what you're up to you sneaky slut" I grumble, yanking my suitcase from the closet and laying it on the bed. I fix my robe, to which I'm still completely unclothed under.

I hear his heavy footsteps close in on me.

Warmth hits me like a truck, and as my face burns red I keep my head down in embarrassment. You act so big and bad Stella, and the minute he comes close you drop your guard. How embarrassing.

He presses his body against mine suddenly, and my eyes nearly pop pout of my sockets as I feel something hard poking into my pelvic bone.

"Dante, w-what are you-" I don't even finish my question as his warm and large hand slips delicately around my neck, his thumb brushing my ear gently.

"Me? I'm not doing anything Stella. Rather, I believe it's you down there making the fuss" his raspy voice coos into my here.

He steps forwards a bit in effort to be even closer,  carefully backing me onto the side of the wide wooden desk his laptop and papers had been on. My hands clutch the edge with intense pressure, as I feel myself getting turned on by such simple actions.

I have yet to meet his burning amber gaze, when he leans close into my ear, suddenly nipping and sucking, I gasp and suddenly move my hands to his broad shoulders. Holding on for dear life when he suddenly whispers, "Come on pretty girl, look at me".

I hesitantly follow his sweet command, gazing up to meet his eyes. They had entranced me and locked on, not letting me go. Maintaining our intense eye contact, I feel his hands slip down the outside of the robe, to the bulge where it had been tied.

"May I?" he asks, voice low and deadly. I fail to meet his eyes once again as I burn red, simple nodding and clutching his muscled shoulders. He attacks my lips, sucking onto my lower lip with his teeth, and pushing his tongue onto mine. I do the same back, letting him completely overpower me. I grow wetter with ever second, he pushes himself back merely and inch, whilst pushing the soft silk off of my shoulders.

My bare body is hit with warm air, as his pupils dilate and his erectness grows even more, hands firmly clutching my own as he gazes upon my body, locking onto every piece of flesh.

"Dear fucking god" he murmurs, before suddenly spinning me around, hands firmly on my naked hips as he stops until my back is against his chest.

I gasp and hold onto the desk, practically dripping with lust as his hardness presses into my ass. One hand is wrapped around my waist, the other is on my chin. God damnit.

"Come on honey, look up" he says, tilting my chin up to look into the wide rectangular mirror hung up above the desk to make me look at him. He towers over behind me, eyes amber and wild with lust, black hair disheveled and out of place. He licks his lips and grins, slowly tracing his hand down onto my chest, where he firmly grabs my boobs, massaging and fondling. My head drops down as I push my ass out, biting onto my lip and quietly moaning from the sensation.

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