a night full of stars

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On monday night, i had a conversation about stars. Conversation with the one i love and about the things that i adore the most.

"I cannot differentiate planes and stars at this moment." I said

"Well,i also cannot." You said.

"But do you know the stars that we see right now are bunch of dead stars?" You asked.

"I know. I learned astronomy." I answered. What a stupid answer, honestly.

But i slowly understand something.
I want to die like stars.
Even if they died,they still shine.
People still see its light and use it as their guide.
Dying seems less painful when you can die as beautiful as star died.
But, right now.
Give me a chance to live as meaningful as those stars to people nearby.
So when i die,i will die as the star.

The one who died will still shine and it lights could be remembered.

For you;for my family;for my people.

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