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Nothing is better than coming back home late after a tiring day.

Opening the door and seeing your loved one standing in the corner of the room

Smiling and waiting for you,walking toward you then putting your broken pieces back with a hug

They say that you did great, you did well, making mistakes is okay, tomorrow will be different

You feel loved,you will forget your fucked up day or your annoying co-workers face

You will feel the breeze in the middle of  a hot summer

Gentle wind,gentle love,gentle touch

You will find your shelter for you and your soul

Not in a form of bricks or roof,you will find your person

Love filling the air,contaminate the oxygen with compassion

When you see their eyes, gaze to their soul

Making love with their minds

No words needed,yet you know you are home.

:- dedicated for my comfort zone:

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