What's up Chica?

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They quietened when Izzy shushed them and said, "Calypso."


More silence.

"I presume the latino boy is your boyfriend?"

"I don't know how... but it is what it is," Calypso said in a tone of self pity.

"Hey!" Leo pouted like a five year old.

"So would it do good, if you talk like him? For two rounds?" Isabelle asked.
"I know that I've known him for less than an hour, but his way of talking is kind of unique. And I like it."

"Oh my god!" Frank said choking with laughter.

"That will be amazing."

Percy and Jason just slow clapped.

Jace raised an eyebrow at that, what's up with the guys colloquial style? What did I not notice?

"Alright, let's begin," Clary called out impatient to know what Leo usually spoke like.

"So Chica, you wanna hear me speak, eh? Can't get enough of Bad girl Supreme? Alas, mi Amiga, I'm not yours," Calypso said feigning sadness and a 'what can I do' face.

"Olympus, save us! That's an amazing impersonation Calypso!" Hazel giggled as Piper and Annabeth agreed vehemently.

The male demigods were clutching their stomachs in pain. Results of excessive laughter.

The Shadowhunters we're laughing their heads off too.

"All this laughter is making my neck hurt. As soon as we start laughing, I throw my head back. I think it's going to tear!" Clary clutches her neck.

"You might become a Nearly-headles- Nick. Or rather, Sir Nicholas!" Annabeth smiles at her revelation.

No replies.

"No potterheads out here? Oh well..." She nods her head dismally.

"I mean. I tried." Piper tries consoling Annabeth.


"And, I gave it up two pages later." Piper looked embarrassed.

"You tried..." Annabeth shrugged.

"So, Calypso. How's the weather today?" Simon prompted.

"Oh, Mi Chico, don't even ask. It's a beautiful day. All flowers and sun. But you know what's missing? Me! I make every view perfect!" Calypso poured out all feeling and ended with a chefs kiss.

Wonderful impersonation.

There might be a slight exaggeration, but Leo's all about acting goofy.

"Right." Clary answered for a dead Simon.

"Alright mah peeps, it's Uncle Leo's turn. Hmm, which one of you would like a grenade in the face? Or a hydraulic screw to fix your misshapen brains?" Calypso droned.

Annabeth cocked an eyebrow at that. "You know, I've never heard Leo say that... but then again, Calypso is smarter than him, so what can I say."

More cackling.

"Hey!" Leo said again... but no such luck of them quietening down.

"Alright, I'm going to choose...well,
what about you dah-ling? You haven't had a turn," Calypso said pointing at a mass of fiery red hair. The owner of that mass of curls peeped through it hesitantly.

The laughter died down.

~End of Chapter~

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