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I pecked Damien's dimpled smile as I reached over to grab the remote beside him-

"Don't," he stopped me. "Nothing good is going to be on and I don't want to ruin your day." He said, quietly. I nodded knowingly and just leant against his chest, savouring this moment. I knew he was right. Today the news would be bombarded by the reminder and warning of America's annual Purge. I squeezed my eyes shut.
It's too early in the morning to think about something that is utter bullshit. As usual, every time the Government introduces something, it's mainly for their own benefit, not ours.
Only those who were affected would know what I mean.

I held on tighter to Damien's warm hands. I had wished I've met him sooner. I never had anyone to comfort me this way on days like this. My birthday unfortunately corresponds with the Purge Night. So you can't really blame me for not having a party. I'm just trying to numb myself before they air live footages of street violence followed by the chorus of desperate screams. Those images imprint on me like a stain on my mind. I can make it less noticeable but it's always going to be there. The deaths I witnessed...they are some things you just can't forget.

Damien caressed my cheek, bringing me back to the plush couch we are cooped up on. He knows I'm thinking too much about the Purge. I can feel him thinking about it too.
We were the affected ones.

"Talk to me, Elle." I can tell he is not enjoying this lingering silence. I glanced up and smiled with tired eyes. I didn't mean to make him worried. But it's hard to be optimistic at a time like this. I just want to enjoy this moment of us being together here, safe. Just for the morning.

"I'm fine, really." I tried to brush it off. Damien, clearly unconvinced, scooped me up in his arms and planted a deep kiss on my lips. I giggled and let myself be enveloped by him. He knotted his fingers in my long hair and I let my hands roam his back. He propped himself on top of me and peered down with a cocky smile.

"Still fine?"

I laughed and kissed him again but with a fiery passion. That's when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Damien pulled away in surprise then laughed.

"It's probably my dad." The biggest cock blocker.

I answered my phone as Damien sat back and watched me.

"Elle?" His voice was raspy with age and the indulgent years of cigarettes. I sighed deeply.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes at this. He knows that I hate being called sweetheart because of how bittersweet it sounded on a day like this.

"Thanks, dad." I replied anyway.

"I need you and that kid to come home now. I want to go over everything with you again. Double check the security system and drills. Do you copy?" My dad used to be a war veteran. He's retired now. But the only person who can object his commanding tone is his only teenage daughter.

"That kid is my boyfriend dad and he has a name-"

"I know but he's not getting anything from me until he's earned it."

I glanced over at Damien only to find him smirking. He knows what my dad is like. I just wanted them to have mutual respect for each other so it's less drama. But at this rate I could ony hope.

"He's a good kid. You're just being shallow, which is rich coming from you." Damien smiled at me and played with his eyebrow piercing. He doesn't necessarily look like a straight-A student but he's intelligent and kind, nonetheless. I think what really makes my dad grinds his teeth together are the sleeved tattoos which Damien rarely covers up and that eyebrow piercing. So basically, my dad has a problem with the cover than the content.

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