The 4th Hour

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The 4th Hour

"Damien?" I whispered into his ear. Yes. I'm scared. I'm scared of losing him, even though I was fine with leaving without him an hour ago. I just couldn't walk away from him, not like this, not after he launched himself onto me to save me from the glass grenade. "Damien, you asshole, wake up." I nudged him.

The makeshift bandages which are practically just strips of his shirt, are soaked through with blood. Although I have succesfully moved his body to the back of the alleyway, he's not going to remain safe for long. He groaned softly, squeezing my hand to brace himself from the searing pain that has ravaged his back.

"Come on, Damien, we have to get you out of here." I urged him to sit up, but even that is a mission at this stage.

"Leaf meh." He mumbled.

"What?" I shrugged him, gently. I cupped his face in my bloodied hands and looked him dead in the eyes.

"" He breathed.

If I leave him...He'll die and I can't have that. He might slow me down but that's better than leaving him out here to rot!

"You idiot, I'm not leaving you, okay? I'm going to get help-" I stopped myself. All emergencies services will be suspended until the Purge is over. I can't get him to a hospital or a doctor. How could I get help?

Frustrated I raked my hands through my hair and sat back down, thinking of my next motive. I don't know what to do. Damien's eyes were slowly drifting off as if to sleep, but I kept shaking him awake with gut-wrenching fear.

When all seemed hopeless, I had what you would call a lightbulb moment.

"Damien? Damien you faggot, listen to me," I slapped his face gently until he paid me full attention. "This sounds bad, but it will probably be the easiest way to hide because you look half-dead. If we could just get you to stand and take baby steps we could break into Walmart or something. And if you we get sidetrack all you have to do is play dead while I fend off the bad guys. Got it?"

I looked at him, a little too hopeful. I saw a glimpse of a smile play on his lips before he gave me a nod. I lifted him up onto his feet, he was wobbly at first but got the hang off it by transferring his weight onto me and so we proceeded out of this stinking alleyway.

I half dragged and carried him across the street which was surprisingly clear of the red bandana

gangs. Perhaps they moved terroritory or maybe they're just out hunting, playing Purge games. The mere thought of it all made me sick. But there's nothing I can do to stop it.

I'm barely surviving.

" can't- it...hurts." Damien mumbled.

I gently placed him down on the sidewalk, making sure his back wounds didn't impact with anything. I didn't really know how bracing his body could have exerted me so much until my lungs were battling for air.

"" He murmured, eyes half-open. I squatted down in front of him with my hands cupping his face, again. He can't be serious. I'm not going to leave him. Not like this. I'm thinking of dumping in body in a safe house or something, a basement would also suffice. Just somewhere safer than these anarchic streets.

"Damien, if you tell me to leave you one more time, I will slap you so hard you won't wake up until next week. Do you understand?" I said sternly. A soft chuckle escaped him and it made me feel a sense of relief. We stayed like that for a while, just staring into each other's eyes for comfort. I suppose with Damien's lazy eyes and my lack of focus, I didn't notice anyone sneaking up behind me until I felt cold steel being pressed to my skull.

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