The 6th Hour

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The 6th Hour

This is the halfway mark. The 6th hour. Things get a little more interesting at this time. I should be scared, but l had no intentions of running. The announcement was obviously targeting another saviour, maybe it was one of my dad's crew. I can't just leave them to everyone left my dad to die. I have to do something, and who knows, I might find the guy with the mask. This might be my only chance to kill him.

Hendricks grew tired of my resistance. Why the heck won't he just leave me alone! It's so frustrating to have someone lecture you and threaten you at the same time. I know he said he can't just sit and watch but what are his true motives?

There's definitely more to what he's letting on.

His face is concealed behind his oversized black turtleneck. I don't have a bandanna because they're soaked in Damien's blood. I winced. The thought of Damien tore at me but I did let him go. In the end I walked away. I might as well have killed him myself.

"Are you deaf? Did you hear the announcement? All the gang members are going to unite and execute someone again. We won't live to see it happen. Now hurry the fuck up and move!" Hendricks exclaimed.

He just made me angry. I leapt onto him, throwing my fists into his face at rapid speed. He fended me off and shoved me hard on the ground. The side of my face was grazed but I ignored it and gritted my teeth. That's when I felt my hands being braceleted by metal restraints.


This is ridiculous! Gosh I just wanted to stab in the face. Why the hell is he still here? Doesn't he know I'm just going to delay him? I don't want to freaking run away from this! I want to find my day's murderer!

"Shut up the fuck up or I'll sedate you," Hendricks warned. My insides screamed. I thrashed about but he scooped me up easily and swung me over his shoulder, hands bound behind my back.

Argh, I wished I shot him when I had the chance!

"Why won't you just let me go! What I do is none of your business. I don't want to be saved, do you hear me?"

Hendricks turned around sharply and purposely did so to ensure that my head hit the pole.

"Oops." He muttered with mild amusement.

My brain felt like it was expanding and contracting, filling my skull and then shrinking. The throbbing was intolerable and I couldn't concentrate properly. My vision blurred and I felt more disorientated as he jogged across the streets.

"Fuck you," I managed to utter.

It wasn't long before we heard the distant rumble of engines and bullets being fired. The chanting of bloodlust was also among the ruckus. My stomach flipped.

Where the hell is Hendricks going to hide us?

I'm still hanging over his shoulder like a potato sack, totally useless. I kept attempting to slip my hands out of the restraints but he's secured them tightly. Freaking hell. Just then I felt him kick open a door and he rushed up various steps.

There was a loud bang.

"Get out of here! Get out of my house!" A woman screamed.

Hendricks was confronted by a rifle. He slowly lowered his guns and then propped me up against the wall. I looked at the frail women, whose sleep deprived eyes told me that she was struggling to remain calm. The tremor in her hands indicated that she was tentative with pulling the trigger. Maybe she hasn't killed anyone yet. Well, I don't really want to be the first victim.

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