The 2nd Hour

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The 2nd Hour


I assembled as many weapons as I could onto myself; strapped guns, pocket knives, grenades, wire, taser, and a bullet proof vest. That vest may not have saved my dad but I will wear it with pride in honour of him. I don't really care if I die out there. To be honest I am beyond caring about anything except finding my dad's killer.

As I disarmed the house, I had a fleeting thought about Damien...I hope he makes it but at the same time finding him is not my main priority right now. I hopped on a motorbike, which dad taught me to ride with one hand on the clutch and the other holding a gun. I broke many bones but they were all worth it.

Speeding down the streets, I can see how anarchic and dangerous it had already gotten. Shit. It's only the 2nd hour and there's fire blazing, bodies piling and red vandalism everywhere. I knew I couldn't stay on the bike for long, soon I'd be forced on foot.

I can run.

"You did this last year , Elle. You can do it again." I tell myself. Violent scenes immediately flooded my mind.

"Dad, it's too late! We're locked out! We're going to die!" I panicked. I was a hyperventilating mess, wild eyes and tattered clothes.

"Shh, we are not going to die. Do you hear me? I am not going to let you die." Dad cupped my face and looked at me fiercely. I nodded in response, whimpering a little. He sighed and pulled me into a tight hug. I smelt blood on him and tried to force in the tears. It was the first time I seen so much blood. So much death. So much anguish.

I didn't know what my bike hit but it skidded on the road, aggressively swerving into a street pole. I was thrown off, smashing into a post box, thank god I had a helmet or else that would have been a dent to the skull.

I groaned and peeled the helmet off to assess the damage on my body. It was just sore, no broken bones or anything life threatening. I got up and dragged the bike on the sidelines, hoping I could get back on it later. Doubt it, the wheels are busted.

I scanned the road and there were spikes set up as traps but I have not encountered anyone suspicious yet.

After I retrieved a loaded handgun I began to lightly jog down the clotted streets, dodging makeshift grenades, it's somewhat more dangerous considering their using glass bottles. I tried to open doors on the way, it's futile, their all locked. Oh well I just have to keep going when I heard screaming-

"Please, I don't have anything. Please don't kill me!" Definitely female, probably my age. I raced to the scene. A hooded man had her by the throat, before I had time to shoot him, he already stabbed her in the chest. The girl's lifeless face turned to me for a split second before sliding down the wall she was held against.

"I have a gun, you have a knife. I don't like to play fair so I suggest you co-operate." I said in a voice I hardly recognise. Since when I did get this hostile? Since I watched my dad's televised execution.

The hooded man turned to me with a rueful laugh.

"I don't take orders from a little girl." He said, waving the knife at me. I shot him in the shoulder and he stumbled back, cursing aloud. "You fucking b-"

"Then who do you take orders from?" I demanded. I closed in on him, gun aimed at his balls. He looked a little grief-stricken.

"You won't make the next hour to find him," He coughed. I kind of liked how inferior he was to me. But I needed him to take me seriously so I crouched down to his level and stabbed him in the thigh with my pocket knife. I made sure to disarm his knife as well. "Teenagers are the worst killers. It's easier for them to turn off their humanity and become demons." He muttered.

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