On the seventh floor, Andre lead me to a door at the end of the hallway to my left.
Every step that I take makes me more nervous than the the previous and I can't help but wonder if they'll figure out I'm really not who I say I am.
Let alone that I'm a girl.
I can't help but wonder that if they do discover that I'm a girl, how?
At that thought, my heart starts to race and I begin to feel nausious.
If I don't want to get caught, I'll just have to keep my distance from the band. It won't be hard in the slightest bit.
With this thought, I can't help but feel slightly down and remember how easy it was to keep my distance from the world and cling to my brother.
I shake my head and clear my thoughts as we reach the large black cherry wood doors and go through.
As Andre leads me to the dark mahogany desk in the room, a tall man with deep black hair turns around and I stifle a gasp.
This man is the biggest record producer in the U.S. Anybody that he deems worthy enough to sign a contract with him almost instantly becomes a celebrity over night.
He gazes down at me with his piercing blue eyes that reminds me of lightening as his slightly thick eyebrows crumple together.
He clears his throat as he takes long graceful strides and circles around me while looking me from head to toe.
I can't help but feel as if I'm naked and being inspected for any physical flaws.
It makes me angry.
And yet, I'm sweating because I'm so nervous.
"I thought you'd be taller." He voice had been so loud and sudden that I flinched because it sounded like thunder out of the dead silence.
"Well, I'm sorry that my physical height doesn't appeal to you," I snapped and I immediately regret it.
He gives off a sort of aura and it just makes me want to give him everything. He makes me want to impress him.
"It's quite all right." He coughs and then mumbles something before turning to me. "But you had better be as great of singer as my informants had told me you were. I will have such great disappointment if you aren't."
My throat goes dry but I somehow manage to say, "I'm better," with such an amount of false confidence that makes me feel sick.
He nods more to himself than to me and starts to pull out a stack of papers.
He's shuffling through a couple of papers when a tall, slightly built, tan guy with dark brown hair walks in and slams the doors back.
He glares furiously at the record producer and starts yelling at him about something like forcing his band to put up with another singer who is "a talentless piece of shit".
It takes me a few seconds to realize that this is the lead singer of the band I'm going to be joining as he realizes that besides him and the record producer aren't the only ones in the room.
He turns and glares at me as he carefully choses his words while trying to contain his anger. "So I'm guessing that you're Sonny Monroe."
"Yes. And I'm willing to bet that you're Pierce Wilson."
He grunts, grabs my wrist forcefully, and drags me painfully through a series of doors and hallways until we reach a beautiful recording room.
Pierce drags me through the door, pushes me into the corner then turns around and locks the door behind him.
He looks at me and I feel trapped by his gaze. He has these dark whiskey and honey colored eyes which distract me from everything he's saying.
"-ing! ... SONNY! Are you listening to me! If you want to join this band, you need to sing and prove you're worthy to join us. Unless you know you can't because you're a talentless piece of shit!"
Startled, I look away from Pierce's mesmerising eyes and towards the window where the record producer is standing as well as Andre, Zeke Peterson, Jeremy Meiserlann, and Nathan Grigory.
The last three, the other band members, are standing with their faces and hands against the window as if they're afraid of what will happen.
Andre looks worried but calm enough to keep himself composed.
The record producer stands there with absolutely no trace of emotion other than curiousity as if he somehow knew this was going to happen.
He's testing me.
I look at Andre as he looks back and gives me the slightest nod.
I look as fiercely as I can towards Pierce and he looks slightly taken back.
I can't help but smirk as I inhale deeply and sing Lips of an Angel by Hinder with as much passion and confidence as I have ever felt in my entirety.
As I sing the last line, I open my eyes, look up, and I take in all of the looks I'm recieving from everybody around me.
Pierce looks as if I just sucker punched him.
Zeke, Jeremy, and Nathan all have the same big grin on their faces.
Andre looks estatic and relieved.
The one look that throws me off is coming from the record producer because he's smiling, which looks like he's having trouble containing himself, and he's not only have the most perfect teeth I've ever seen, but the whitest as well.
Pierce nods and numbly unlocks the door and lets me through.
As I walk out, the record producer put out his hand and says, "Hello, Mr. Monroe. I'm Aaron Stohl. How would you like to sign a contract with me and join The Temptations?"
I look into his eyes which seem as if they were crafted from lightening itself and I smile my greatest before saying, "I'd love to, Mr. Stohl."

What Should I Do?
Fiksi RemajaNot knowing who her parents are and being raised in an orphanage, all she had was her twin brother whom she would die for if need be. Well, now her brother asks her to do something for her saying it's small but she doesn't consider posing as him is...