Bucky X Reader

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This is dedicated to my cousin @everydayisrusevday who loves Bucky as much as I do.

1561 Words

Your P.O.V

I was walking around Avenger Headquarters trying to find my room without disrupting anyone. I was here for a "Stark Internship" as Mr. Stark told my dad but I was really here to help out the Avengers. No I wasn't an Avenger, I just kinda, did what they told me to. Anyways, it was nighttime and I didn't want to get on anyone's bad side by asking them where my room was. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I tensed up and turned around quickly, and let out a breath when I saw it was Bucky.
"Hey, you're (y/n) right?" He asked, brushing some of his long, brown, silky hair out of his face with his metal arm.
"Y-yeah, I am." I stuttered. Okay so maybe I thought Bucky was good looking, can you blame me?
"What are you doing wandering around the Headquarters? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asked again.
"Th-that's the thing Mr. Barnes. I umm. I don't know where my room is. And I don't want to get on the bad side of anyone by asking them to help me out. Especially Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner or Loki." I explained, trying not to meet his gaze in case he was cross with me. When I looked up his eyes held nothing than sympathy. he then smiled at me with that perfect smile.
"Don't worry, I know how that feels and trust me, out of those three, it's Stark you should never screw over. I mean, Loki too, but he'll just do something crazy at the time because he's mad. And Bruce will forgive you as long as you make the effort to make things right. Stark will probably kill you. Well, for you, he'd most likely just fire you and ban you from ever coming here again but if you screw him over bad enough, he'll try to kill you like he did with me." He said calmly then looked down. I looked at him curiously.

"Mr. Stark tried to kill you? Why?" I asked. He continued to look down. "If you don't want to tell me you don't have too!" I said quickly. I saw him smile slightly at that and he looked up.
"Back when I was the Winter Solider, I was ordered to kill his parents. As you know, he isn't to fond of his dad, but his mom was his everything and I killed her. He tired to kill me and Steve for that because Steve knew and thought he was doing the right thing by not telling him. Stark has forgiven me now but at the time I was convinced Steve and I were going to die." He looked in my eyes with tears in them. "I never wanted to hurt anyone but I was forced too. I was brainwashed into believing that was what I had to do. I was nothing more than an assassin." I hugged Bucky. Rubbing my hands up and down his back.
"I know how you feel Bucky. For the longest time my dad wanted me to hate my mom for leaving us and made me believe it was my fault. And I believed him. that was until I met my mom and she told me how it was his fault. That he's a controlling bastard that deserves no one." I explained. I thought about it. "Okay, maybe not like you, but I did hurt my mom when I told her all of this." Bucky chuckled and pulled away from the hug and put his hands on my shoulders.
"You understand what it's like to be manipulated. That's all I could ask for." He smiled which made me smile too. He looked in the distnace for a second as if he was thinking then looked at me.
"How would you like to spend the night with me in my room. I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable, I promise." He said with a smile. "I'll help you look for your room tomorrow." I smiled and agreed to sleep in his room. He took my hand into his non-metal one and walked with me to his room. I saw Steve look at us curiously, but Bucky just waved and so did he. I kept my face down, feeling to awkward to look up and have Steve be mad that I was going off with his best friend. But those thoughts were quickly pulled away when we stopped in front of a door which leaded to what I assumed was Bucky's room.

He opened the door to his room and allowed me to walk in first. He turned on the lights and I looked around his room. It wasn't anything spectacular but it wasn't really shitty either. There were two windows that faces outside his king sized bed was right in the middle of them. He had black and grey sheets and blankets, which I thought were very fitting for him. He had a fireplace in his room too, on the left side of the bed and a bathroom to the right. There was another little room with a kitchen and a small dinning table with two chairs. I was amazed and wondered if my room was like this too or it was only like this for the Avengers. Bucky noticed me looking around his room and smiled. He took off his shirt and pants and put on some sweat pants. I looked at his ripped body. I stared in awe at how great he looked. He noticed me staring and chuckled.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer." He said in a joking tone. I blushed and looked away. He laughed as he threw something at me. I caught it and looked down noticing he had thrown some of his clothes at me. I looked up at him and he smiled.
"You can't very well sleep in your clothes, now can you?" He said still smiling. "They might be a bit big but hopefully they aren't too big" I smiled and thanked him, walking to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I quickly changed into the clothes he gave me which were sweatpants and a simple grey t-shirt. Both were big on me but it felt nice. I liked the feeling of his clothes. I grabbed mine and put them in a hamper I noitced in the bathroom then walked out.

Bucky was still shirtless when I walked out. He heard me walk into the bedroom and he looked at me. He smiled and giggled. Yes. He fucking giggled.
"What?" I asked him. He still smiled at me.
"You just look so adorable in my clothes." He stopped giggling at me and just smiled. "Something I could get used to" He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. He then started to walk to me. I slowly backed up until I hit a wall and he was right in front of me. He kept looking in my eyes, then my lips. Back and forth between the two. I was slightly scared but also felt safe. Like I knew deep down the ex Winter Solider wasn't gonna hurt me. His face was close to mine. Lips only centimeters away. He then looked into my eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered. I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist. He connected our lips and it felt amazing. His lips were soft yet slightly chapped. The kiss was nice and sweet and I didn't want it to end. He soon pulled away and looked at me. I looked up at him and smiled which caused him to smile too. He looked over at the clock sitting on the side table beside the bed.
"Come on. We should get some sleep. You have a big day ahead." He said. I laughed.
"Probably not as big as yours." We both smiled at that. He grabbed my hand and took my over to the bed. We both got under the covers and I felt him put his arm around me. I smiled and snuggled closer to his body. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Feeling safe in Bucky's arms.

We never did go look for my room. We both knew it was unnecessary.

Whooooop first one shot!! Also I want to let you know that when I write x reader one shots it isn't just for girls, it's for everybody of every gender. So when I use pronouns, it'll say he/she/they. Or boy/girlfriend/date mate. Just so ya'lls know. Also as I stated in the beginning, this is for my cousin. Gab, I hope you like this you bitch. (SPN Reference I call her Bitch she calls me Jerk we don't hate each other don't attack me lol) So yeah. Also if there are things like ships or stories from a different place that you want to see in this book. PM me and I'll put it in here. Okay guys! Love you! Bye!!

Oh also, btw, I ship Stony but you can request Stony, Stucky, FrostIron ect. In this book.

And Spideypool.

Like, I really mean Spideypool

Okay you know what? I STAN SPIDEYPOOL *slams table beacuse I'm Jessie Paege trash*


And everybody as actors and not their characters is welcome too guys.

Okay I'm done now bye.

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