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Yeah hi you're gonna want a box of tissues for this one.

I drove past your house the other day, just to see if you were home.

Peter was driving past Stark Tower. He contemplated going in or not. He decided against it.

And I was gonna call you up, but I knew that you would not pick up your phone.

He was scrolling through his texts when he saw the messages between Tony and him. He gave a small smile before turning off his phone and flopping down on his bed.

Why'd you have to go so soon? We were young, we were fools, we had time.

Peter laid there remembering all the fun times he had with Tony. Building things, fixing the Iron spider suit, driving around New York seeing what there is to see.

And I hope that I'm still in your heart, 'cause God knows that your still in mine.

He then remembered all the fights he had with Tony over stupid little things. He regretted every word he ever said.

And it's hard for me to move on when I've lost the only thing I'll ever know.

Peter couldn't help but let a tear slip as he remembered Tony pushing him away after their last fight. Knowing that Tony meant every word and not knowing this would be the last time they saw each other.

'Cause if you're not coming back then I'm not coming home.

He hasn't been able to go back to the Tower since the fight. That was two months ago. Peter wanted to go back but knew he couldn't.

I drove past our spot the other day, where we used to sit and soke in our youth.

Peter was driving once again. He didn't mean to but he ended up at Central Park. He and Tony would come here often and just talk about whatever.

And I got mad when they said you weren't coming back to me. 'Cause I hate hearing the truth.

He remembered Pepper telling him that he couldn't see Tony. How he kept pushing his way to see him but Pepper and Happy pushed him back out of there.

You didn't have to go so soon, you were young, you were afraid, you had time.

Peters heart broke in that exact minute. When the two people he trusted the most looked at him with sadness in their eyes as they dragged him away from the man he looked up to like a dad.

And I'm not much for prayer but I'd get down on my knees and beg for you, until I lost my voice.

Peter went after every crime he saw and was almost never home. It was his way of distracting himself from Tony.

And everybody asks, why I'd rather stay away, why I'd rather be alone.

Ned still kept in contact with Peter, always inviting him out places. He knew Peter was upset and he wasn't going to leave his best friend in a time of need. Aunt May however kept telling him to leave the house, go out and do something. She never knew how close he and Tony were.

'Cause if you're not coming back, then I'm not coming home.

Pepper and Happy heard that he was leaving home a lot. They tried to get him to go home, but nothing worked. They eventually caught him at the end of a crime and brought him home to Aunt May only for him to leave again.

I went past your stone just the other day to see if my flowers were still there.

Peter went to the cemetery. He let out a heavy breath as he walked up to a headstone.

Anthony Edward Stark
May 29, 1970 - August 13, 2023

Peter smiled softly when he saw his flowers from yesterday were still there.
"Hey Mr. Stark. You'll never guess what. MIT accepted me. I'm gonna study there like you did. Isn't that cool?" Peter got down on his knees and put his hand on the headstone. "Are you proud of me Mr. Stark? Am I making you proud?" He asked with tears filling his eyes. Peter looked down and let the tears fall down.
"I-I miss you Mr. Stark..why..why did you.." Peter was crying to hard to form a sentence properly.
"Come back to me Dad..please come back..let this all be a dream..please."

Yeah don't worry I hate me too.

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