I Love You

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Just some cute fluffy stuff to help ease the pain of Infinity War and translations will be at the end of each little part. I'm using Google Translate so if it sounds wrong and you speak one if these languages then I am truly sorry!

Your P.O.V

Everyone in the Avengers speaks different languages. For Wanda, Peitro, Bucky and Natasha it's Russian. For Loki and Thor it's Norse. Tony knows Italian and Spanish and was teaching Peter. And Steve could speak German (let's just pretend because idk what language he speaks and it kinda looks like German in the photo just go along with it please) while Bruce and Clint only spoke English. Oh but let's not forget that Vision speaks computer code, which is basically 0's and 1's. Now, you being an Avenger and knowing this, you decided to go to your handy dandy laptop and learn these languages for your friends. It took you weeks to learn all of them and despite everyone telling you to leave when you couldn't, it was finally done. You smiled to yourself and left your room. You first saw Tony in the kitchen and decided to start with him.

"¡Hola Antonio!" You said happily, startling Tony.
"¡Querido Dios y / n! ¡Pensé que iba a tener un ataque al corazón!" He exclaimed. You laughed at him and his reaction.
"Jaja lo siento Tony! ¡No fue para asustarte!" You apologized. He sighed and smiled at you.
"No, no y / n, es mi culpa. No quise asustarme. De todos modos, ¿cuándo aprendiste español?" You returned his smile and told him.
"¡Bueno, cuando estuve en mi habitación por semanas estaba aprendiendo un montón de idiomas!" His smile grew and before he could say something you said "Ho anche imparato l'italiano!" He looked so happy.
"y / n che è così carino! Sono felice che tu l'abbia fatto. A volte è bello parlare in un altro linguaggio!" Just then Peter walked in and looked over at us.

"Ciao Peter! Com'era la scuola?" Tony asked. Peter smiled and walked over to us.
"Andava bene. Com'è andata la tua giornata papà? E anche il tuo y / n?" He asked us. I smiled and Tony looked like he was gonna cry because not only did he reply in Italian, but also called him dad. We continued our conversation in Italian for a bit before I remembered the main reason I learned the languages.
"Ehi ragazzi ho qualcosa che voglio dirvi" both of them looked at me confused.

"La vera ragione per cui ho imparato un sacco di lingue diverse era che potevo dirti questo ragazzi. Ti amo. Sei come la mia famiglia e Tony, grazie mille per avermi portato nel team. Tu intendi così tanto per me e ti amo." Tony looked like he was going to cry again while it took Peter a little bit to understand what I said. Once he did his face lit up.
"Aww y/n!!" He exclaimed as he hugged me, Tony also joining the hug.
"Ti amiamo anche tu!" He replied and I smiled. I soon said my goodbyes and went to find Natasha.
(Hola Anthony!
Dear god y/n! I thought I was going to have a heart attack!
Haha sorry Tony! Didn't mean to scare you!
No no it's alright. I didn't mean to freak out. Anyway, when did you learn Spanish?
Well, when I was locked up in my room I learned a whole bunch of different languages!
I also learned Italian!
Y/n thats so cute! I'm glad you did that. It's so nice to speak in a different language sometimes.
Hello Peter! How was school?
It was fine. How was your day dad? Also yours y/n?
Hey guys I have something I want to tell you
The real reason why I learned a lot of different languages ​​was that I could tell you guys. I love you. You're like my family and Tony, thank you very much for bringing me to the team. You mean so much for me and I love you
We love you too!)

I went down into the training room where is found Natasha and Bucky training.
"Эй, ребята! Как проходит обучение?" I asked. Bucky looked at me so confused while Natasha used that as a way to punch him in the face. I laughed as I watched Bucky fall to the ground and Natasha stand over him triumphantly.
"Отлично, что я выиграл!" Natasha exclaimed. I laughed and helped Bucky get up. He looked scared that both of us were speaking Russian. I noticed and quickly comforted him.
"Баки! Эй, не волнуйся! Я не верну тебя обратно в твою HYDRA! Я пришел сюда, чтобы рассказать тебе и Нэт что-то" He calmed down and looked a bit confused.
"Что вам нужно было рассказать нам?" He asked. Natasha also looked confused. I just smiled at them.
"Я пришел сюда, чтобы сказать вам, что я люблю вас, ребята. Ты был очень хорош ко мне и помог мне тренироваться. Я обожаю вас обоих и благодарю вас за то, что вы друзья." Bucky smiled and hugged me. Natasha wasn't much of a hugger but she also joined in for a split second. Or maybe two. They both looked super happy.
"Мы любим тебя слишком сладко" Natasha said, running her hand through my h/l h/c hair. I smiled and Bucky ruffled my hair. They told me they had to get back to training to I nodded, gave them both another hug and then left.
(Hey guys how's training going?
Good now that I've won!
Bucky! Hey, do not worry! I will not bring you back to your HYDRA self! I came here to tell you and Nat something.
What did you need to tell us?
I came here to tell you that I love you guys. You were very good to me and helped me train. I adore you both and thank you for being friends.
We love you too sweetie)

I soon found Steve in the living room. I smiled and walked over to him and sat down on the couch next to him.
"Hey Hauptmann! Wie geht es Ihnen?" Steve looked over at me and smiled.
"Hey, y / n! Es geht mir gut. Wie geht es Ihnen? Ich habe gehört, wie du vor einiger Zeit mit Peter und Tony auf Italienisch gesprochen hast." I smiled at him.
"Nun, mein lieber Freund Steve. Ich habe in den letzten Wochen viele verschiedene Sprachen gelernt, so dass ich jedem erzählen konnte, wie sehr ich mich in seiner Muttersprache um sie kümmere. Du würdest nicht glauben, wie schwer es war, Nordisch zu lernen! Niemand spricht es, also wäre es fast unmöglich, es für Thor und Loki zu lernen!" Steve laughed at that.

"Ich kann mir vorstellen! Es ist keine Sprache mehr, die jemand spricht." We both laughed.
"Nein, ist es nicht. Aber der wahre Grund, warum ich hier bin, ist, dir zu sagen, dass ich dich liebe. Du bist ein großartiger Captain für das Team und ein toller Freund für mich. Danke, dass du hier warst und für all die Nächte, in denen ich betrunken war, hast du dich wegen dummer Scheiße weinen lassen." Steve smiled at me and gave me a big hug which I returned.
"Ich liebe dich auch und ich werde immer für dich da sein. Bis zum Ende der Linie" I smiled and said my goodbyes to him. I went to find everyone else and tell them.

(Hey Captain! How are you?
Hey, y / n! I'm fine. How are you? I heard you talking to Peter and Tony in Italian some time ago
Well, my dear friend Steve. I've learned many different languages ​​in the last few weeks, so I could tell everyone how much I care for them in their native language. You would not believe how difficult it was to learn Norse! No one speaks it, so it would be almost impossible to learn it for Thor and Loki!
I can imagine! It is no longer a language someone speaks.
No it is not. But the real reason why I am here is to tell you that I love you. You're a great captain for the team and a great friend for me. Thank you for being here and for all the nights I was drunk and called you to cry for stupid shit.
I love you too and I will always be there for you. Until the end of the line)

I found the Maximoff twins and told them I loved them. Wanda smiled and hugged me while Peitro gave me a smirk and replied with a cheeky "Who doesn't?" Which Wanda elbowed him for. Thor smiled huge when I said I loved him. He picked me up in a giant hug and spun me around. Loki started blushing and tearing up. He gave me a hug that was almost unnoticed because of how quick it was but I was still happy I made him happy. Vision smiled at me when I told him and he gave me a pat on the head saying I was a good friend too. I told Bruce that I loved him when he was in the lab with Tony and he got all bashful and smiley as he hugged me and tried to get back to his work before I distracted him anymore. The only person left was Clint. I saw him in the living room with everyone else and I knew exactly how to say it to him.

"Clint. I have something I want to tell you" he looked at me confused but everyone else knew what was going on. I took a deep breath to stop myself from laughing and then said "Caw,Caw Caw. Caw Caw Caw." He looked at me and smiled.
"Aw I love you too kid" I fell to the floor laughing and everyone else, including Thor, Loki and Vision Brust out with laughter too. I knew that I was happy with these guys and this was my family. I love them all.

This was based off of true events that happened in a dream I had and it was so funny I had to share it with the world. I couldn't find Norse so I couldn't write that down and I couldn't be bothered with computer code and all the 0's and 1's for one fucking letter. Anyway, the fan art isn't mine, I give full credit to whoever made it. Schools out so I can finally get back into my schedule so whoo! More uploading!! Love you guys!

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