Chapter 4

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The steady beat of the heart monitor brought me back to consciousness. I couldn't lift my eyelids more than a millimeter, which wasn't much to begin with anyways. The room smelled sweetly sterile and my nose itched. Flowers were in the room, that I was sure of.

"Ever... Oh, God, please wake up." My ears perked up at the sound of Matt's voice. I was suddenly very aware of the way his hands were sculpted around mine. I tried to turn my head, but I couldn't. Why couldn't I move?

"Watching you in that fire was just... I couldn't make myself move. I couldn't go save you, and I'm so sorry. But that guy, he pulled you out of the fire. But the doctor's say your condition is really bad... You might not be able to move again..." I felt like my muscles tensed, but I knew they didn't. It was just an illusion of the mind. I wanted to move over to him and hold him and reassure him that I'd be okay. But even I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I continued to listen to him.

"You've got some pretty bad burns," he whispered, "Your arms..." His fingertips floated across my arms and a stinging sensation followed his touch. I wanted to whimper, but my brain didn't allow it.

He breathed out a shaky sigh and squeezed my hands tighter. They were shaking terribly.

"Please wake up. Please..."

I felt my breathing slow again as sleep and morphine dragged me under again, bringing me back to the blackness.



The curly haired boy left her room with tears streaming down his tan face. I wanted to comfort him and tell him that she'd be all right, but they couldn't know who I was. Not yet, at least. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and briskly made my way to Ever's room before the door shut. My breath caught in my throat when I saw her.

Her face was sunken in and pale, a stark contrast to her flaming hands. Her arms were covered in bandages and she had stitches above her right eyebrow. Her chest moved slowly as the machines measured her heartbeat and blood pressure. Ever looked so weak, but at the same time she was the most beautiful I'd ever seen her.

I remember when we'd run around her parents' massive backyard, laughing and playing hide and seek until the sun set. Her hair used to be a rich chocolate color that would turn auburn in the sun. She was the sweetest little girl I'd ever befriended, even though I was a little like her. I'd known Ever her whole entire life and she doesn't remember me.

I walked closer to the edge of her bed and sat down on the chair that was previously occupied by the other boy. Her hands lay limp over the sheets. I ached to hold her small hands and brush her golden hair out of her face, but I couldn't wake her up. So instead of holding her against me, I told her about how we grew up, hoping her mind would soak up my voice.

"Hi, Ever. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Scott Whitmore. Remember? Little Scotty? Well, that's me! We grew up together; well, until your parents died and your cousin came and got you. We used to live in Seattle, actually. And your parents were my parents’ best friends. We spent all of our time together. Do you remember the woods? Well, we would go into the woods and climb the trees and pretend like we were explorers. We'd look for birds and deer and sometimes we'd find wolves... I know how much you love wolves, Ever. Well, anyways, we'd always be in those woods, from sunup to sundown. Our parents would get so worried." I paused and chuckled, remembering listening to her bossy voice tell me which way to go while we searched.

"Ever, I'm sorry about what happened tonight... There's a lot you don't know, but when you wake up, I'll tell you everything. I'll tell you who you really are, not this illusion that's been implanted in your mind. I promise, you'll know every last detail about yourself... And about your parents." I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut. I saw the same sunset she sees every evening, heard the same cries she hears. We were connected in too many ways to explain. I wish she knew how much she meant to me.

I was about to open my mouth and continue to tell her unconscious body more about us when I heard a knock on the door.

"Son, it's way past visiting hours. You can come visit her tomorrow. She really needs her rest," said a short, portly nurse. Her face was squished into the center of her head and her hair was held in a wispy bun on the top of her head. Although she looked unforgiving, her voice sent warm tingles up my spine.

I smiled and nodded my head. "I'll be right out," I replied. She shut the door behind her and waited patiently for me to come back out. I took one more look at Ever and lifted myself out of the chair I was seated in. I left the hospital and stood outside in the warm night air.

I heard a howling in the distance. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up and my head whipped towards the sound. I could feel my heartbeat quicken. He was here, and he was here for her. John and Stephanie had warned me about this. They prepared me for this. It was time she finally met me; again.

I ran away from the sickly building and prayed she'd wake up soon, before it was too late.


Sorry this has taken so long to update guys!!!!! I've had MAJOR writer's block, but here's the next chapter!!! And we have a new character, woo hoo!!! Please, don't forget to comment, vote, and fan!! I really want y'alls feedback (: Message me if you're confused or if I made any grammar mistakes! More to come, I promise!!

xoxo, Emma

PS I was listening to the song on the sidebar when I was writing this chapter, and it's really fitting. Please listen! (:

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