Chapter n i n e

17 1 0

Adam above^

Amy P. O. V.

Cameron leaves the sauna, and we all know in our hearts that he's not going to bed. He's probably going off to harass some innocent girl.

"I think I'm going to call it a night also." Zoë says, stretching.

"Night." We all chorus in response. The hours trickle by, and soon everyone except Ella leaves the sauna.

"You know," she starts. "This life is so surreal." She pauses. "I've had to work hard for everything in my life. I never got noticed, so I had to make them see." Who they is, I have no idea. She continues, "I like having you here. You liven up the house, and I think that deep down, I understand Cameron. I'm not saying I like him or anything, but I do get him. I think that he acts the way he does because he wants to be noticed, too. He wants to feel like he has a purpose in life, and that's the only way he knows how." Who knew things would get so deep.

I nod. "Everyone has something they struggle with, but personally I look up to you. In the short moments of my life I've known you, I can't believe how strange you are." She raises her eyebrows at me. "Not like that. You are something special, Ella, and I hope our friendship will continue on through the years."

"Aww," she says. "You're gonna make me cry." She puts a hand to her heart, and acts like she's wiping tears away.

"You're such a sap." I reply, laughing.

"I wouldn't want to be any other way." She responds, and stands up to turn the sauna off. "It's late, and we should probably go to bed. Who knows what the morning will bring." I nod, yawning, and follow after her, turning the light off.

We say our goodnight's, and go our separate ways. I rub my eyes with the heel of my palms, and yawn again. I really need to stop staying up late. I enter my room, and see that the clock says 1:00. That's going to be a great morning, I think to myself. And with Cameron's wake up call, I'll only get five hours of sleep. I quickly get ready for bed, and I stare at the white ceiling, trying to fall asleep.



Ella P. O. V.

The sun peeks through my curtains, and I heave out a deep sigh. I put my glasses on, and walk downstairs. Cameron and Zoë are chatting on the couch. She snickers as he wiggles his eyebrows at her, having said something amusing.

"Hey guys," I say.

"Excuse me," Cameron starts. "I identify as a toaster."

"Of course you do, you idiot." I retort.

I make myself a cup of coffee, and inwardly squeal at the sight of Cameron and Zoë. I'm so alone. Jess walks into the kitchen, and fakes a gag at the sight of the two. I snicker. She'll never change.

"Can you make me a cup?" Jess asks.

"Sure. Same as always?"


I start on making her coffee, as she sits down at the table not in her usual spot. That might be due to the fact that Cameron and Zoë are directly in her line of sight in her normal seat. Chiamaka walks into the kitchen, her eyes drooping. Ali soon comes in after her, and she looks as if she got around the same amount of sleep.

At least they have a place to stay after their apartment got burned down so suddenly. I sip my coffee, and set Jess's in front of her.

"Thanks." She mumbles out. She's not a morning person either. I finish my coffee, and grab my purse. I slip my shoes on, and open the door. Shutting it behind me, I go to my car, and start it up as I walk towards it.

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