Chapter Six

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We managed to make it to a park at the edge of the city before dark. None of us said much on the ride here, I wasn't sure what to say to Shay anyway.

We decided against building a fire, since we don't know who or what is lurking in the shadows. We were sitting in the over grown grass, Shay was still crying, and Shawn was keeping watch. Shay had known Sammy and Mark for a long time. I knew exactly how she felt, I just don't know how to comfort her.

I squeezed Shays shoulder, "Try to get some sleep." She just turned away from me and laid down. I got up and walked over to Shawn.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Today was just... too much."

He shook his head, "I know, we need to get away from here." We sat quietly for a moment, then I spoke up.

"Why were they shooting at us?" I knew why though, they were insane. But I just wanted answers.

"I don't know."

I let out a long sigh, feeling exhausted. "Wake me in a few hours and I'll take watch." I walked over to Shay and laid next to her.

I woke startled, it was still dark and I had to squint to see around me. I relaxed when I realized it was Shawn waking me up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He whispered.

"It's fine."

"It's your watch now." I nodded and got up off of the ground.

"I'm waking you both up at daylight so get some real rest. Don't just lay there trying to keep an eye on me. I'll be fine." I snapped.

He held his hands up in surrender. "I'm going to sleep."

I walked a few paces away so I could see anything coming, then sat down in the grass. The moon was full tonight and it lit up everything around us. Grabbing my bag, I pulled out the picture frame I grabbed at the pawn shop and started digging around in my bag. After a few minutes of searching, I pulled out a crumbled up photo. I smoothed it out as best I could and stuck it into the frame. I smiled down at the photo. It was the only thing I had left of Amera. I held the picture to my chest, leaned against the tree trunk, and looked up to the stars. 

As soon as the sun started to raise, I woke Shawn then walked to Shay. I gently shook her by her shoulder, "Hey, we've got to go."

She opened her red puffy eyes. "Okay."

A few minutes later, we were all on our bikes and out on the road. Riding through the second apocalypse on bikes isn't that bad. Except for this horrible weight of lost loved ones on our shoulders...

By noon we were well out of the city, and I was glad. I wanted to put the whole horrible thing behind me. I watched Shay slow to a complete stop.

"I need some rest." She mumbled.

Shawn and I stopped too, "yeah, my legs feel like jello." I groaned, sitting down on the cracked pavement. Shay sat next to me and I grabbed her hand. I've never been good at comforting people, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

"I'm so sorry Shay. I know they were family."

She gave me a very sad smile. "I'll be fine... I just don't see how people can be so horrible."

I leaned forwards and hugged her, "I know... me neither."

The three of us split a can of food, before we headed back out on the road. I road ahead of them, enjoying the sunny day, trying to forget the gruesome details of yesterday. I noticed something on the side of the road, so I sped up to it and stopped.

"Hey guys." I called, the other two hurried to me. "Look." It was a sign saying that this was a route to a bunker. The last bunker we found had the same signs leading up to it. "Were getting closer." I said, feeling hopeful. Shawn flashed me a small smile, then we were back in the road.

A few more miles up the road, we road up on a large housing development. "We don't know how far that bunker is. We might as well spend the night here." Shay said, heading for a house. When we opened the door, it smelled musty.

"We should check the house, to make sure we're alone." Shawn said walking around.

After checking the house, and realizing we were clear, we all sat in the living room for a while. I was sharpening my knife when Shay stood up, "I'm getting some sleep." She said, leaving the room.

I nodded at her, then Shawn stood up, "I'm going to search a few of these houses."

"Okay, be careful." Shay said leaving the room.

I got up off the couch, "You didn't really think I'd let you go out there alone did you?"

Shawn flashed me a smile, "Come on then."

There were alot of houses on this block, so we decided to only search a few of them. We had searched three houses so far and we haven't found much. "I really hope this bunker is safe...I don't think we can handle winter out here" I said quietly, picking up an old can.

"Were going to get there Lainey. I'm going to keep you safe." I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. I just nodded at him and continued looking for supplies.

We left that house with a little more supplies and headed to the next house. "I don't remember if I ever thanked you." I said through the silence.

"For what?"

"Not letting me give up." We were stopped in the road, Shawn stepped closer, so close we were almost touching.

"Lainey, you don't have to thank me." I watched him reach up for my face, I stepped back quickly. Feeling my nerves get the best of me.

"We should hurry up." I turned and walked into the porch of the next house. My heart was racing, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Everything that's happened these past few months, and Aaden... I shook my head at myself, how could I ever think of someone else in a time like this?

When Shawn and I got back to the house, Shay was still asleep. "You can take the other room. I'll lock up everything down here." Shawn said, walking towards the living room windows.

I left the living room quickly. I felt embarrassed by the way I acted earlier. Shawn was probably just trying to comfort me, that's what he does. I rolled my eyes at myself, and stepped out on to the small patio from my second floor room. I needed to clear my head.

There were nice patio chairs, so I laid back in one. Taking a deep breath, I looked towards the sunset. "Aaden, I wish I could talk to you one last time." I whispered. It was getting easier to think about him, and I don't cry every time I do think of him. Not like I use to. But it still hurts that he's gone. Since Aaden died, I've seen alot of others go. I guess being on the run from rotters and people I haven't really had time to set and think much about Aaden or Amera. Not since we left the town anyway.

I sighed and let my tears fall. For Aaden, Amera, Mark, and Sammy. And all of the others that lost their lives along the way. I sobbed, and spoke aloud to Amera and Aaden. I apologized to them for not being able to save them. After thirty minutes of blubbering to the stars, I finally stopped crying. It felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders, I had finally got to say good bye to them. I stood up, wiping my face, and went inside.

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