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I was too lazy to right smut because that shit is hard man! Kinda sorta a little bit smut at the beginning but it is suggested throughout. 

Sage had been gone for 3 weeks now covering a hurricane story in Jamaica. Devin was lonely and irritable. But most of all he was horny, really horny. He reached into his pants, pulling his rock hard dick free from his sweat pants. He moves his hands up and down his now throbbing dick. Thinking of all the things he wants to do to Sage. He moved in circular motions as the pleasure built up. Soon releasing load of cum into his hand. Even though he came, he was still unsatisfied and frustrated. He needed more. He need Sage now. Sage was on a business trip in Jamaica covering a devastating hurricane that hit. Her absence left Devin to his self. His very lonely self. Just then he gets a phone call from Sage. He quickly grabs the phone and answers.

Phone Call:
Devin: "Hey baby how ya doin"! He says excitedly.
Sage: "I'm doing good! You seem excited." She laughs at him
Devin: " It's because.....I miss you..." He says sadly.
Sage: "Awww I miss you too baby." She says sympathetically. "But I haven been gone that long have I?"
Devin: "You've been gone for 3 weeks, 5 days and 9 hours."
Sage: "You were counting?" She says shocked.
Devin: "I can tell you how long you've been gone down to the minute." He says in a glum tone. Sage: "Well you won't have to count any more minutes."
Devin: "When are you coming home?" Devin asks with anticipation.
Sage: "Today is my last day, I will be boarding the plane tomorrow."
Devin: "Tomorrow?" He says disappointed.
Sage: "Once I'm on the plane it'll only take an hour and a half to get home." She says feeling bad for him.
Devin: "You promise you coming home tomorrow?"
Sage: "I promise." She says smiling.
Devin: "Okay, tomorrow."
Sage: "Tomorrow."
Devin: "I love you." He says with melancholy in his voice.
Sage: "I love you too."
Devin: "Mmmh." He says disbelievingly.
Sage: "Listen, I hate being away from you. I promise I'm coming home tomorrow."
Devin:" Well I see you tomorrow." He says slightly happier.
Sage: "Bye Devin."
Devin: "Bye." He says not wanting to hang up.

The phone call ends and Sage sits in her hotel room sadly. Her friend Pandora whom which accompanied her on her trip, walks in and notice's Sage moping on the sofa.

"What wrong Say?" Pandora asks.
"I just...I was on the phone with Devin, he was so sad." She says looking down.
"You're going home tomorrow." Pandora says sympathetically.

"But... I miss him." She says sounding chocked up.
"It's okay. We're booked for the earliest flight you'll be home in time for breakfast." Pandora continues to comfort Sage before she heads back to her bed.

The next day Sage wakes up early to pack her clothes. She is excited to get home to Devin! Once Pandora and Sage get to the airport they wait until an announcement comes over the intercom. "Excuse me everyone, I regret to inform you that the flight going from Jamaica to Charleston will be canceled due to severe weather. All flights for Jamaica to Charleston will resume in 2 days."
"What No!" Sage says face palming. "I promised him, I promised him that I would be home today." She says standing up to pace around. "Sage sit down." Pandora says assertively. "I have to call him now Pandora I have to." Sage says picking up her phone. "Sage you're not thinking straight because your stressed. Call him later." Pandora says grabbing the phone.

Sage heads back to the hotel room and sits on the bed. "I disappointed him. He was looking forward to me coming home and I disappointed him." She says rubbing her temples. "You're thinking way to deeply into this Sage, He can wait and extra 2 days." Pandora says in a dismissive tone. Sage glares at her. And picks up her phone to call Devin.

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