Switch Up

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Devin walks into the bathroom in the morning as Sage is brushing her teeth. He gives her a kiss on the cheek and Sage smiles appreciatively. He starts looking at his head in the mirror."I think imma grow my hair out." He says rubbing his head.
 "Really!?" Sage says perking up.
"Not all of it, just the middle." Sage gets excited and pulls out all her knowledge on men's hair cuts.
"So you talkin bout a high top fade or a blow out fade?" She says motioning him to kneel down so she can look at his head.
"What?" He says looking at her extremely confused.
"Okay, right now you have a smooth fade."

 She goes on to explain the different types of hair cuts to him, showing him pictures on her phone.
"How do you know so much about hair cuts?" He says shocked at her knowledge.
"That's a long story." She says widening her eyes.
"I love how ya whole voice changed when ya started talking about tape lines and shit." He says laughing.
"It's not just tape lines and shit! This is an important decision." She lectures.
"Okay well I think I like this one." Devin points at a picture of a man on her phone.

*See top picture for what haircut Devin wants.*

Sage bites her lip with excitement. "Cela aura l'air si bien sur vous!" ("That will look so good on you!")
"Everything looks good on me!" She says smugly.
"So we head to the barber shop now?" He asks heading to put some cloths on.
 "No silly! Your hair is not that long right now so you have to grow it out!" 

"Aw man but that's gonna take forever!" He groans frustrated. 
"Not with my help." She says swing her waist length 4A hair. 

       It takes Devin 4 months to achieve his hair goal. It would have taken longer if Sage hadn't taken care of his hair for him. She washed, detangled, and moisturized his hair when necessary. She got it to a length were he could actually braid it. Devin has had long hair before but only when he was younger and had his mother (for a VERY brief time) to do it for him. As stated, is able to braid but  not any of the actually a hard work. At least, not on himself.
        When it came time for him to cut it into his desired style, Sage was kinda sad about it.
"Are you sure you have to cut it off now?" She asks messing his hair. 
"You said it was long enough!" He says moving her hands away.
"But I like it." Says pouting.
"I ain't cuttin it all off! There's still the top for you to play wit!" He says trying to comfort her. "Aye man you finna cut it or nah?" The barber says growing impatient. Devin shoots him a dirty look.
"Okay go cut before I change my mind." Sage says shooing him.
"I don't want you to see before I'm done." He whines.
"Well what do you want me to do?" She says smiling.
"I'on know go home!" He say reversing the roles and shooing her.
"How will you get home with out me? We drove in the same car!"
"I catch a ride." He says looking around.
"Hey talk dark and handsome! I can give you a ride, the ride of your life!" Says a older and particularly feminine gentleman getting his hair cut into a Mohawk.
"Uhhh...The is a mall behind here I'll just go there." Sage says looking a bit uncomfortable leaving Devin.
"I'll meet you were you at."  He calls out to Sage as she leaves. He plops down into the barber chair and he gets to work. 

Devin's POV
        I looked in the mirror and DAAAAAAAAAMN! I look fresh! (Wait I said fresh...)It was exactly how I wanted it. Now I just gotta text Sage and see where she at. Probably at the food court with her greedy ass.  

"Where are you goin baby?" The man from earlier calls out to me.
"To meet my girlfriend. Have a nice day!" I rush out to barber shop to avoid anything else. 

Text Messages: 
Devin: Hey I'm done where you at? 
Sage: Food court. Chair in front Chick-fil-a. 
Devin: Fat ass
Sage: Just the way you like it.
Devin: True true

        What did I say, I know my bae like a BOOK. But to be honest, I really do hope she likes it. That's one thing about Sage, she may not tell you that she hates something, but her face will always tell you the truth.

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