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*If you haven't seen the movie yet(it's been out forever come on....) this has slight spoilers
*This is a reference to some thirst tweets about the people in this movie.

Quote From My Black Internet Friend: "A guy takin his girl to see Black Panther may be one of the biggest mistakes of his life. 

"OOOO I'M SO EXCITED!!" Sage sequels squirming in her seat.
"I heard this movie is really good." Devin says sharing her excitement. Just then a woman comes and sits next to Sage. 
"Hi I'm Ebony!" The woman says sticking her hand out to Sage.
"Hi Ebony! I'm Sage!" Sage says shaking the woman's hand.
"Aye bae, the movie is starting." Devin says tapping her while directing his attention to the screen. 

"Now warning, the black men in this move f-f-f-f-f-FINE" Ebony whispers to Sage.
"I heard. I'm so excited to see them."  Sage says stomping excitedly. 

After the first Oakland scene both Sage and Ebony are crying. "Why they had to do him like that though?" Sage says her voice quivering. 
"I know right and they just left his body there like that!" Ebony says as they hold hands and cry. Devin laughs at there being so over dramatic. 

Then they saw Erik Killmonger(and is insane sexy self)  come on screen and there entire demeanor changed. 

"Oh my god." Ebony says her jaw dropping. 
"He is so fine!" Sage groans. "What is name?" Sage asks mesmerized. 
"He is Killmonger." Ebony responds. 
"Well he can Killmanger on the cooch-ae any time he wanted to." Sage says turning towards Ebony with a smirk.
"What does manger mean?" Ebony whispers confused.
"Eat." Sage says with a devious smirk.
"OKURRRT?!" Ebony laughs and agrees. 

T'Challa meanders his way onto screen and Ebony loses it quietly. "UGH I DON'T CARE I DON'T CARE I DON'T CARE! He may be 40 but DAAAAMMNN!!" She whispers loudly.
"This movie is to much for me to handle." Sage say fanning herself. 

M'Baku is the final fine brother to grace the screen with his presence and this time the entire female population of the theater cheers.
"Mmmm M'baku THICCC!" Ebony says biting her lip. 
"M'baku could blow my M'back any time he wanted to." Sage says in unison to Ebony. They both laugh hysterically. Devin just sits next to them seething. 

"I think Erik is my favorite." Sage says biting her lip. "He is so big and muscly and UMF!" She clenches her thighs. 

"You ever get so turned on that all your sexual knowledge goes away?" Ebony ask shyly. 
"You mean like how I'm think about letting Erik Killmonger kill me and being happy about it?" Sage ask shyly. 
"EXACTLY!!" Ebony says laughing. "But I think T'Challa is my favorite. King of Wakanda? I think so!" 

"NOOOO! HE CAN'T DIE!! HE'S NOT DEAD!! I REFUSE!!" Sage burring her face in her hands. 

"Shhhh it'll be okay!!" Ebony says trying to comfort her. 
"He had a good point though!" Sage says returning to a whisper.
"I know." Ebony being brought to tears as well. "And he was so sexy too!" 
"They can't kill of the sexiest character, it's not right!" Sage says chuckling of her tears. 

"I can't take this shit anymore." Devin says standing up and exiting the theater. This action completely escapes Sage's notice. He not only exits the theater, but goes and sulks in his car. 

Once the movie has concluded, Sage collects Ebony's phone number and stands up. She looks next to her and Devin is no where to be found. "Did you see where my boyfriend went?" Sage asks looking to she if he had just gotten a head start at leaving. 
"I didn't see him in the first place sooo..." Ebony laughs trailing off. 
"Okay! I'll call you later I gotta find this knuckle head." Sage laughs and rushes out the theater. She searches around the theater. Looking in other screening rooms and even the men's bathroom. That lead to some unnerving encounters.  

She finally gives up and heads outside to her car. There she actually finds Devin. 
"You can't just disappear like that! I was so worried!" Sage fusses. Devin just ignores her and cranks up the car. "Are you gonna talk to me?" Sage asks annoyed. Devin doesn't even acknowledge her and pulls out of the parking spot and begins to drive home. 

"Devin?" Sage asks concerned. "Why aren't you talking to me?" Devin acts completely unfazed phased and continues driving along the road. 

They disembark from there car and Devin just walks inside, acting as if Sage isn't even there. "Is this about the movie theater?" Sage asks out of  desperation trying to understand why he is acting like this. 

Devin POV
"iS tHis AbOuT tHe mOviE thEatEr?" Come on now! Of course it is! You was sittin there thirstin over 3 OTHER MANS! And not while I was in the bathroom or like getting more pop corn, but while I was sitting RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!! FUCK YOU MEAN!!! 

Is what I want to say. I just pause in front of the door. I'm done. I just walk in and ignore her for the rest of the night.  I know eventually I 'll forgive her but right now it's really best if I just keep my fucking mouth shut. 

I guess you could say I'm jealous.....And with jealousy, comes revenge. 

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