Part 4

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Shinichi and Kaito both froze, silence falling upon the hallway. It wasn't long until these two caught themselves again and the detective launched at KID, trying to tackle him onto the ground. The famous phantom thief avoided him with a chuckle.
"So straightforward..."
"Shut your slaps! You're arrested!"
"Try to."
Shinichi attacked over and over again, trying to somehow get a hold of Kaito but only with the result of the thief avoiding every single one of his attacks just as skilled as ever. Voices approaching them caused KID to let down his guard and finally, Shinichi landed a well placed punch directly into his stomach, causing Kaito to collapse onto his knees, holding the hurting area with clenched teeth.
"Over here!!! I caught him!!"

As Shinichi tried to call again for the policemen life seemed to have reawoken in KID's body. He jumped up and covered the mouth of the surprised detective, releasing a quiet grow into his ear.
"Stop being so troublesome."
Shinichi made a few muffled noises which sounded like 'Like hell!!' but Kaito kept the man in a tight iron grip. Now, how to get out of this misery? The police was coming closer, the footsteps getting faster and faster. It wasn't long until KID decided how to save himself. As soon as the police rushed around the corner, Kaitou KID gave Shinichi a hard push into their direction, letting these two parts crush into each other. Laughing at his own success he rushed off, at the stairs leading towards the roof he used a grappling hook to increase his speed to another unfair advantage. With a good reason, because as soon as his chasers jumped onto the third step the slide activated itself and all of them rushed with yelps and squawks down again. Kaito just tipped his head with a cheeky grin and soon enough opened the door onto the roof.

The cold night air hitting his face let him grow once more happy, being Kaitou KID surely was one of the most exiting things happening in his life. At the edge of the roof, he took out the sapphire and held it against the moonlight. With a sigh of disappointment he lowered his hand again and grumbled.
"Again a waste of my time..."
A little demotivated he sat down at the edge, his feet hanging over it.
"Will I ever find this stupid jewel...?"
Kaito disappeared within his thoughts as he watched the beautiful moonlight illuminating the sky, but that was until he felt the cold metal of a revolver against the back of his head.
"...Hands up KID. This time, it's really over."
Surprised that Shinichi managed to come up the staircase slide, he froze completely. Much to Shinichis surprise, this time he didn't receive a cocky answer or any kind of snarky remark.
"Maybe it is... Maybe it always was..."

The man was too dumbfounded to really react to this answer, so he just kept staring onto the phantom thief. This time, he finally would arrest him and reveal his identity for public. But something deep inside him spoke against that as he heard KID so sad and hopeless.
"What are you talking about. That's not something you usually say."
A weak chuckle escaped KID's mouth as he dug into his pocket and pulled out the jewel he had in his hands not too long ago too.
"Meitantei, tell me... How long are you trying to capture me?"
"Since one year, dumbass. And Nakamori-keibu even longer, since nineteen years."
Shinichi turned a little confused, obviously for the first time he finally could manage to see behind KID's constant pokerface.
"You know... I wonder if I'm accomplishing my goals soon..."
Kaito didn't know what came over him to tell the detective what was on his mind during the last heists, but for some reason he felt it releasing to speak himself out. And stubborn or not, Shinichi surely knew when to keep quiet about something and when not.

"Which goals?"
It was already clear for Shinichi that KID wasn't just doing that to humiliate the police, he had a reason. But his curiousity was dying to hear why KID was actually KID. Sadly, this wasn't going to happen.
"...nevermind. Farewell, until the next moonlit night, Meitantei."
Shinichi widened his eyes as suddenly Kaito directly in front of him popped into millions of confetti pieces. His jaw fell as he hastily looked around in search for the thief, but he definitely was gone. And with him the jewel. Shinichi could scream, he almost had him!

But suddenly, a gunshot sliced the air apart. The man flinched and spun around, only to see a sniper in black disappearing between a few other houses. But that wasn't the main attraction... Once he turned back again there was a drop of blood at the edge of the roof.
Widening his eyes in the process, Shinichi stormed to his clue and bent over it, looking onto the ground below him. Clear visible, there was a small puddle of blood. No way... Was KID shot?

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