Kaito had his doubts and concerns as he led his detective to this villa. Akako was a difficult person... He was almost sure she had given up on him but she still was a witch, after all.
As Kudo collapsed Kaito stood in the next second at his side, hosting him into his arms and rushing towards the entrance doors. Having no arm free he kicked once against the door, resulting it to open a few painful minutes later.An old man stood in the entrance, looking like the butler of this manor. He wasn't a very pleasant view to face, a slight insane glim in his eyes fell directly into Kaito's attention and his back was bent over, obviously he had a misbuilt spine.
"How may I help you, Kuroba-san?"
Kaito froze shortly as he adressed him like this, he was in disguise and nobody should recognize him. Still, he shook his head as he had to admite to himself that this wasn't of importance now.
"I-I'm KID, not Kuroba. Say, where is Akako-chan?"
"Akako-sama is not aviable now, Kuroba-san."
Kaito clenched his teeth and flashed a glance at the face of his unconcious tantei, already forgetting to deny his identity.
"Please... It's very important..."
The man flashed a glance at Shinichi and seemed to fight himself, before he sighed and stepped aside, giving the way free into a large entrance floor.
"...you may pass. Please, follow me."Kaito had no time to admire the gigantic house as he hurried after the small man, expecting to see Akako behind every corner but his hopes got crushed every time they passed one. Finally, the man stopped in front of an innocent looking door and knocked with his boney hand against the wood.
"Beautiful Akako-sama, Kuroba Kaito came to visit you. It is of important matter."
That was all Kaito heard before the door opened and Akako faced him in surprised. She eyed him shortly up, then smiled in a way which could send chills down Kaito's spine if he wouldn't have been so used to it.
"Ah, Kuroba-kun... Come inside."
"Ojou-san, my name is KID, I have no idea what you are talking about."
He stepped into Akako's room while the witch merely scoffed and adjusted her shining black hair.
"Quit playing games Kuroba-kun. Now... You brought a guest as well? Kudo Shinichi, if I am not mistaken?"
Kaito clenched his teeth, he knew this wasn't the right time for such a discussion. Sighing, he sat down on a couch coloured in a bloody red, lifting the unconcious detective onto his lap."Akako-chan, I... I need your help."
Akako couldn't help than to show a satisfied and moreover arrogant smile. For the first time in their long life, Kaito approached Akako for something he needed despite her chocolate on this single valentines day.
"How ironic, now you need my help~ And what would you want from me? Obviously your precious detective needs it."
Kaito sighed and had to admite silent defeat.
"Akako-chan, I... It is a little difficult but I need your help in sorcery. You see... I am KID because of a gem existing, a promise to eternal life. It's called-"
She interrupted him with surprise in her voice, yes, she indeed knew about this gem. It had been a legend surpassed down from generation to generation in her bloodline. As she realized what Shinichi might have to do with this, her eyes became big and her lips curled up into a victorious smile.
"Indeed... it seems Kudo-kun is immortal now, isn't this right? And you want me to find a way to get rid of this curse."Kaito nodded quietly and Akako took a quiet sigh.
"Well Kuroba-kun, do you have Pandora with you? I need to study the legends and the gem itself to find any way to get rid of the curse."
Said one immediately fumbled in his jacket to fish out the sparkling jewel but of course hesitated shortly.
"...Akako. I need it back. After you found a cure I need to destroy it."
Akako scoffed arrogantly and crossed her arms.
"Kuroba-kun, do you really think I help you without something in return? I want this jewel. I will be the one to become immortal, to continue enchanting every male with my beauty for eternity."
The magician hesitated at this and began to nibble on his lower lip. He wasn't at all sure about this, reminding himself of the power Akako owned and the various incidents in the past. His troubled gaze fell onto the unconcious Shinichi and within a second, he decided his answer. For the sake of his favorite detective he would sacrifice the only thing which had ever really mattered to him: Destroying this jewel.
Kaito handed Pandora to Akako, but eyed her with a stern gaze up.
"...as you wish. But under a few conditions. Please keep my identity to yourself and don't show Pandora to anyone else. There is an organization who murders for this jewel... They almost killed me too, I barely escaped through a lucky accident."
Akako laughed in a sweet but at the same time devilish manner, accepting Pandora as if it would have been a gift and holding it against her cold heart.
"I accept. And don't worry... A witch of the red bloodline knows when someone is in love~ I will leave you to Kudo-kun. But for the time being, you will have to stay in Kudo's near. He needs to have support.""Of course."

Stop caring (Kaito×Shinichi)
Fanfiction[Completed] Kaitou KID and Shinichi Kudo have been rivals since they could think. Whenever Kaito announces a heist, Shinichi would definitely show up to stop him. But as time passes, various accidents bring these two closer and closer until they fin...