Unfortunate for Shinichi, he caught a flu and wasn't able to attend KID's heist. Ran forced him to stay in bed... without coffee. This was pure torture for Shinichi. Not only that he wasn't able to drink his beloved coffee, he couldn't even attend the only event that always brought him onto different thoughts.
Coughing again like a madman, Shinichi sat up in his bed and took a spoonful of coughing juice. He laid back with a sigh that sounded like a highpitched wheeze and stared at the ceiling, filled with boredom. Oh how much he wished for something to happen, only something which could cheer his dull existance up right now.
But he was completely tied to the bed, unable to do anything. At this rate he wasn't even able to concentrate onto his new cases. With a longing gaze he faced his desk, full of files from the latest crimes.Kaito on the other hand couldn't be happier. The heist was a success, the dagger his and to that he beated Saguru Hakuba in the for him most humiliating way. He leaned back into his chair with a satisfied grin on his lips as suddenly the door opened and Hakuba shambled inside. He looked absolutely horrible, huge bags under his eyes and an expression on his face which stated clearly 'Approach me and I'll kill you'. Kaito couldn't help than to suppress a wide grin, he knew he was the reason for Hakuba's appearance. Aoko of course immediately set up a worried expression and eyed the worn man up.
"H-Hakuba-kun...! Are you alright...? Did you even sleep?"
Hakuba simply grumbled something ununderstandable and his eyes searched inside the classroom for Kaito. Once their eyes met, a gigantic tension built in the air. It was almost electrifying, Kaito with his victorious and arrogant expression and Hakuba seeming on the verge to kill him for yesterday's events. Finally, Kaito broke the silence.
"What is going on, Hakuba~? Tired? You should go to sleep earlier~"
Hakuba glared daggers at him and fell down on his chair, massaging his temples.
"Just so you wait..."He didn't have a proof it was Kuroba, but he knew it. There was no other possibility. But what happened now was the cherry on top of the ice cream:
Kaito stood up and approached Hakuba, before he searched in his pockets and pulled out a beautiful sparkling dagger only without the jewel attached to it. Hakuba and the rest of the class couldn't help than to jawdrop while Kaito set up an innocent expression.
"I thought you'd want it back... I found it on my way to school. Really Hakuba, you should pay more attention onto such things~"
Oh, how much Kaito loved Hakuba's expression just now. After the first moments of shock Hakuba turned cherry red and hastily snatched the dagger out of Kaito's hand; Hakuba was fuming.
"Watch what you're saying, Kuroba!"
"What? I just brought you the dagger. Be glad I even found it. Tho... there seems to be a jewel missing."
As Akako saw how much Kaito toyed with the detective, she could barely suppress a giggle inside her hand. It was highly amusing to her to see Hakuba so short before an outburst.Hakuba couldn't help it either, now Kaito really had gone too far this time to humiliate him like this in front of the whole class. To that in that way that he actually returned the dagger he stole with such a lame excuse to him, in front of all these people... Hakuba had enough. With a cry of anger he stood up and pointed his finger at Kaito.
"Now you've gone too far Kuroba!! You dare to return this dagger to me, in front of all these people, the dagger you stole in the night! And that without handing the jewel back?! Admite it! You are Kaitou KID!"
Of course, Kaito knew that would happen and backed a step away with a faked expression of confusion.
"I-I don't know what you are talking about, Hakuba... I was the whole time at home. Aoko can confirm this. Isn't that right Aoko?"
Aoko, puzzled by this whole situation, finally caught herself again and nodded with a strict expression.
"Yes! I saw him reading in his room exactly when Kaitou KID's heist started! How could you think Kaito could be Kaitou KID?! Kaito is way too dimwitted to be Kaitou KID!"
Kaito gasped at that and snapped around to Aoko, clearly not agreeing to that.
"Hey! If any, I'm way better and cooler than Kaitou KID! And way better looking~"
Aoko made a puking noise, resulting the thief to return sulking back to his seat.Hakuba froze and stared puzzled back and forth between the angry Aoko and the sulking Kaito. Kaito had been at home during the heist?! Of course he couldn't know Kaito planned all that beforehand. He had set up a dummy in his room with a book and left the lights on, and Aoko of course saw that since her habit was to flash in the evening a glance over to Kaitos house.
With clenched teeth, Hakuba sat down again and growled quietly. This time, he had to admit, he was beaten. The gazes set on the scene turned away and began to focuse as the teacher stepped in, but Kaito set up again his famous pokerface and grinned in his thoughts.
"That was the fun of my life..."

Stop caring (Kaito×Shinichi)
Fanfiction[Completed] Kaitou KID and Shinichi Kudo have been rivals since they could think. Whenever Kaito announces a heist, Shinichi would definitely show up to stop him. But as time passes, various accidents bring these two closer and closer until they fin...