Part 19

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"What?! Akako-chan you cannot be serious!!"
Two months had passed now since this incidence and finally, Akako found a way to lift the curse. But the way... it wasn't what Kaito expected.
"Yes Kuroba-kun. I'm serious. That's the only way you can lift the curse Kudo-kun is suffering from."
Kaito sunk back in his chair, he really didn't await this.

"So... in order to lift the curse... Shin-chan has to... fall for me?"
Akako nodded and straighted her back, towering a little over him.
"Yes. Only the true warmth of love can heal Kudo-kun's heart. As the witches of red magic used to say... Only love can break any curse."
Kaito sighed and burried his face into his hands. He loved Shinichi with all his heart and tried to stay distant to him so the feelings might fade. Hearing now from a witch that he was supposed to grow even closer with him felt like a punch into his stomach, it made him feel sick to the boot.
It was possible after all that Kudo and he would break apart like this.

Silence spread above these two and finally, Kaito excused himself. He had a lot to think about and especially find a method to make Shinichi fall for him. He definitely wouldn't leave him to another girl or boy, since Shinichi and he met he always knew the detective was his. His tantei, his rival, his soulmate.
The only one to match wits with.
The only one worth to chase after below the moonlight.
The only one he had ever truly loved.

As Kaito arrived back home Shinichi greeted him with a smile as he looked up from his coffee.
"Hey Kaito-kun. How was your day?"
Kaito didn't answer. He simply sat down and stared gloomily onto the table, deep in thought. It wasn't that he snapped out until Shinichi hugged him from behind, sighing.
"Kaito-kun... What is bothering you? I can at least listen."
"No Shin-chan... Leave it yes?"
"Hey I told you to not call me Shin-chan!"
Shinichi grumbled some not very nice sounding words and Kaito couldn't help than to smile, even if only very lightly. Yes, that was his typical Shin-chan.

This day, Kaito dressed up as Kid again. Yes, he retired from being Kid, but he never left any kind of note to say goodbye. This time, he was going to make it clear for everyone that Kid would never return again. He opened his housedoor and left into the dark streets, first meeting up with Jii to thank him for all what he did for him, Kid and his father Kuroba Toichi. It wasn't long until he arrived at the local police station where Nakamori Ginzo had to work late.
The poor man had gone insane by now in attempt to find Kid again, he didn't want to loose his trace so easy like last time. But as soon as a pink cloud of smoke appeared inside his office, he already knew it was Kid.

"Good evening, Nakamori-keibu."
As soon as the white costume appeared out of the smoke Nakamori-keibu jumped out of his seat and charged at Kaito, what he dodged with ease.
"I'll arrest you this time Kid! You won't escape again!"
"Calm down!"
Kid sighed softly and a gentle smile appeared on his lips.
"I came to say goodbye and to thank you."
"Thank... me?!"
Ginzo surely was surprised, Kid thanking him was the last thing he imagined to ever hear. Now rather curious to what he was hiding, he settled down and decided to let him speak before arresting him.
"I attained my true target at the last heist and so won't return the jewel this time, much to my despise... But I appeared now in front of you to ensure you... this is the last time you will see Kaito Kid ever again. I am hanging the hat and coat onto the nail... And I wanted to apologize as well for stealing so much of your time."

Nakamori-keibu stared speechlessly at him, not able to get a word out in response. Kid wanted to give up?! Kid wanted to leave his life just like he stepped into it, like a phantom?! He didn't spend these years all worthlessly chasing after Kaito Kid! Finally, he caught his voice again.
"You...! You won't! I will arrest you! I didn't spend all this time chasing after you to let you vanish right in front of my nose!"
With that he launched forward, trying to get a hold of Kid, but said one only showed a sad smile and vanished in a poof into rose petals.
"We will see each other again, keibu... But you won't recognize me."
As Kaito left the office, his head hung down. It was a shame for him to say goodbye to his task force leader, the one who hunted Kid since a felt eternity. And to let go of Kid... it was a burden to him. In the sky, at nighttime, he felt free. Kaito surely would miss to enchant a such gigantic audience as a phantom thief.

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