As soon as the contract had been made and put to paper by the butler and obvious assistant in Akako's sorcery, Kaito left the villa with a medicine poured by the infamous witch. It wasn't going to cure Shinichi but at least kept his heart warm and safe for a longer time. Because that was the only thing Kaito hadn't known until meeting Akako this very day. Pandora had a negative effect.
If someone desires eternal life, the heart will have to freeze to keep the soul prison inside the body.
Shinichi would have lost bit by bit his feelings... He would have resulted into an emotionless puppet, having no longer to bear guilt, sorrow or anger. But as well peace, happiness and love.
Kaito paled at this thought and he couldn't help but tear up, even tho he tried his very best to suppress his overwhelming guilt. It was his fault, he knew this. He didn't prevent Shinichi, he didn't make it on top of the roof fast enough. And now not only the life of his tantei was in danger but he also threw away his goal of destroying the jewel.
The desperate thief didn't know what to do. He had to keep close company to Shinichi now, Akako said he would need to take a sip of the medicine she mixed every day at morning. As he knew Shinichi, he would forget this immediately.There was just one problem, where should he bring Shinichi?
Home was almost impossible for him, it was first of all a very long way and he was unable to travel this fast every morning to school from the Kudo manori. His only other option was to hide the detective in this house. Kaito mentally facepalmed... He sure had gotten himself into something, he knew this. And so, at the end, Kaito took the direction directly towards his own house.
Once he arrived, Kaito tugged the man into his own bed and sat beside him, feeling his forehead. Shinichi was unusual cold and so Kaito immediately pulled out the medicine. He opened the man's mouth slightly and poured a bit into his mouth, then made him swallow afterwards before he got up to dress in his usual attire."You did what?!"
Kuroba Chikage was certainly stunned to hear about the recent events and kept quiet a second, fiddling with her thoughts to give her desperate son a fitting advice.
"So you're telling me... You found Pandora, well, the Detective of the East found it and accidently drank the unholy tear and now he is immortal. You asked a befriended witch to help you, handed her Pandora to seal a contract and now the Detective of the East, Kudo Shinichi, is at our house?!"
The man swallowed nervously and nodded to agree to his mother's words. He was a little uncertain about what she was about to say, but as she showed a slight smile Kaito felt relief flooding over him.
"Your father would have been so proud of you... You left Pandora at trustworthy hands. If one thing about sorcery is fact, then it is that no witch ever breaks a contract or its rules. And to that you did it for saving a life... Shinichi-kun can stay of course. But I am not so sure about revealing your identity, he's a detective after all."
Chikage sighed softly and began to play with a string of her hair which she usually did when she measured the pros and cons. It was Kaito who interrupted her trail of thoughts.
"Meitantei turned blind eyes from time to time at me for helping him catching other criminals. He isn't like other detectives... I'm confident he will turn a blind eye this time as well, it's about his life after all."Even tho Kaito said that, he knew exactly himself that the first thing Kudo Shinichi would do after waking up was blackmailing Kaito in telling him his whole life story.
After ending his video chat with his mother, Kaito flashed a glance at the still unconcious Shinichi.
Within the matter of seconds he decided to stay in his bed instead of the couch, preferring to stay at Kudo's side in this situation. After all it was his fault. The bed was easily big enough for both of them and Kaito didn't hesitate to tug himself into the sheets as well, shooting a last worried glance to his companion. He of course would notice if Shinichi would wake up like this and felt a little relieved for once to have a light sleep.
It wasn't long until the magician closed his eyes, inching in search for comfort closer to his favorite tantei and snuggling into his back. Of course he made sure like that Shinichi really wasn't able to get up without him noticing.

Stop caring (Kaito×Shinichi)
أدب الهواة[Completed] Kaitou KID and Shinichi Kudo have been rivals since they could think. Whenever Kaito announces a heist, Shinichi would definitely show up to stop him. But as time passes, various accidents bring these two closer and closer until they fin...