Kaito tried to move, but he couldn't. His body was out of his control, he was frozen in terrify. The poor man could do nothing else than to watch as Hakuba approached him with his infamous victorious smirk. Hakuba grabbed Kaito's completely stiff arms and handcuffed him before he rested a hand on an earbud inside his right ear.
"Saguru Hakuba here. I caught Kaito Kid."
Nakamori-keibu's voice was even audible for KID, tho it felt to him like all of this was a dream. Every noise sounded so far away... all he saw and smelled was fish and only fish. Black spots started to appear in his vision.After a small talk with Nakamori-keibu Hakuba turned back to the trembling and completely frozen thief who still stared in horror onto the fish surrounding him.
"I knew I could catch you like that. How long did you think could you keep your ichthyophobia hidden from me?"
Hakuba chuckled softly and grabbed firmly Kaitou KID's right arm to pull him up.
"It was only a question of time until I caught you. The last thing to ask would be why you are doing this... Why you are kid. But I doubt you will answer me this, so we will be waiting here for the keibu."
He leans towards Kaito, lowering his voice a little.
"The truth will always come to light."Kaito shivered softly, but he still couldn't keep his eyes off of the fish. His voice was weak, a mere whisper.
"Saguru... Hakuba... you won't arrest me today..."
Hakuba chuckled and merely shook his head, remaining within his tight grip on Kaito's arm.
"You wish for, Kuroba-kun."
Kaito squeezed his eyes shut and kept quiet for a minute, trying to focuse. He heard steps coming closer and it was obvious the police was about to burst into the room. It was now or never...
In his thoughts, he saw himself how he promised in front of his father's poster to find and destroy Pandora. He saw himself how he swore to the black organization he would find and destroy Pandora. And he remembered all his victories... he could steal anything he wanted to, nothing could keep him away.Finally, Kaito opened his eyes. He flinched slightly as he saw the fish again but managed to regain his courage. Hakuba noticed this change of behavior and turned with a questioning glance to him, but all he saw was his handcuffs dropping onto the ground before his vision went black.
"I'm not Kuroba Kaito... I'm Kaitou KID, magician under the moonlight. And nothing as pathetic as fish could stop me to steal."
Kaito had to act fast to escape this time. He hastily undressed himself and Hakuba, dressing each of them vice versa. As the finishing touch, he handcuffed the costumed and unconcious Hakuba and smirked to himself, pulling a mask of him over his face. He was now Saguru Hakuba and the original was Kaitou KID. Oh how much he would give to see Hakuba's face when he woke up...As Nakamori-keibu stormed in with a bunch of armed policemen, Kaito held out the unconcious Hakuba towards him with a victorious grin. In addition, he mimicked his voice perfectly.
"The truth will always come to light~ As I expected, I caught Kaitou KID. You may arrest him now~"
If gazes could kill, Kaito would have been a dead man now. Nakamori-keibu was everything but happy to see it wasn't him who caught Kaitou KID after he spent nineteen years on the hunt. He ripped Hakuba out of his hands and scoffed.
"Finally you are mine, Kaitou KID!"
Kaito took his way to the door on the opposite wall of the room and smiled calmly.
"I will be taking a look at the dagger. I want to be sure it's safe."
Nakamori-keibu merely nodded and took off with his men while Kaito headed off into the opposite direction. As soon as nobody could hear him, he bursted into giggling and incrased his speed.
"Oh god... That was priceless."Now as Saguru Hakuba, no policeman tried to stop him as he entered the room of action. He simply lifted the glass container and picked up the dagger, before he walked towards one of the windows and stared upwards into the sky. One of the remaining police officers furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hakuba-kun, what are you doing there?"
"Ah, don't worry."
A sudden poof let the thief vanish in a cloud of pink smoke, once it dissapeared, Kaito stood there proudly in his costume and the window glass was gone. He winked at the man.
"I'll be just taking this dagger with me~"
The officer widened his eyes together with the others and gasped.
"Kaitou KID!!!"
Kaito laughed in amusement and jumped out of the room, his glider keeping him in the air.Nakamori-keibu on the other hand half dragged half carried Hakuba down and to the police cars. As soon as Kaitos fans saw the fake, they bursted into cries and complains.
"Kaitou KID got caught?!"
Finally, Hakuba slowly opened his eyes and still seemed a little absent. But as he noticed someone dragged him over the ground, he widened them and immediately began to struggle. Nakamori-keibu laughed victoriously at him.
"You can give up right away! You're already in chains. Not so cheeky anymore, huh~?"
Hakuba clenched his teeth and began to shout at him.
"What is going on?! Let go of me and unchain me this instant!"
"You wish for, Kaitou KID!"
Hakuba took a sharp gasp and looked down at himself. Immediately he cried out.
"Dammit! I'm not Kaitou KID! I'm Saguru Hakuba! I caught KID before, but somehow he made me black out...!"
Nakamori-keibu widened his eyes and in a second all the chains were off of Hakuba, who ripped his top hat off with a scowl and right after that the monocle and the mask. As soon as his face showed, Kaitos fans cried out once more.
"It's not Kaitou KID!!"
"It's Saguru Hakuba!!"
"Where is KID?!"In that second, KID flew above their heads with his glider, laughing in happiness, carefree as ever.
"Good luck next time, keibu~! And you too, Saguru Hakuba~! What a pity that Kudo Shinichi didn't show up!"
Nakamori-keibu clenched his teeth and began to shout orders once more, but it was no use. KID was gone and the heist a success.

Stop caring (Kaito×Shinichi)
Fanfiction[Completed] Kaitou KID and Shinichi Kudo have been rivals since they could think. Whenever Kaito announces a heist, Shinichi would definitely show up to stop him. But as time passes, various accidents bring these two closer and closer until they fin...