Chapter 11 - REFLECTIONS

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" After all, the war was meaningless." Sheyenne said to her son. By this time, it had been about a year or two after the War of the Breeds and Sheyenne and Neptune had become the parents of a colt. The colt was black with a thin strip down his face. The colt looked much like his dam, aside from the stripe that he had clearly received from his sire. The name of this colt was Jason. Jason was a prince, though he wasn't treated as so. The reason behind this was that Sheyenne and Neptune decided to "not be royalty" anymore. Of course, having the royal blood made them royal, they just were not going to live royal. Neptune and Sheyenne became normal citizens shortly after their wedding. Neptune felt that his older brother would do just fine as king once their parents passed away. Sheyenne knew that the Arabians would be in good hooves with her parents and when they would pass away she knew that her brother in law would make sure that the kingdom would be well taken care of. Plus being the heir to the throne also left the possibility that when her parents passed she and Neptune could take over. Only one thing remained for this royal family; the question of where Neptune and Jupiter's older sister had disappeared to.

" The only thing that I would want to change about the war though would probably be how much sooner that we would run away together." Neptune stated to his mare.

" Well, that's everything." Sheyenne remarked to her father.

" Alright be careful darling." King Gunfire said to Sheyenne walking over to the castle doors.

" Don't worry dad, we'll be fine. After all the mustangs provide for us well." Neptune told his father in law.

" Be careful dear." Queen Sasha joyfully hugged her filly.

" Prince Neptune, your things have been placed in the carriage.".

" Thank you, Sydney." Neptune told the little Arabian servant. Neptune, Sheyenne, and Jason all said their good byes to the royal Arabians and headed on their way back to their home in the Mustang kingdom. Neptune had taken his family to the in-law's home for the weekend because it wasn't often when they would go over there. During this visit, Neptune and Sheyenne reflected on the war and told the story to their son. Finally, everyone was at peace again and it seemed as though nothing could take away anyone's happiness. All except for the hidden depression deep within the hearts of the royal Mustangs. The family strode down the stairs towards the carriage. Sheyenne was assisted into the carriage while Neptune exchanged a few more words with his father in law.

" This weekend were all going to gather at our house, correct?" Neptune questioned.

"Yes sir.". Gunfire nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you then." The Mustang stallion said as he wrapped up the conversation.

"We'll miss you dear." Sheyenne's mother said to Neptune giving him a hug before he hopped into the carriage. The Arabian servants closed the carriage doors and with a simple nod to the driver; Sheyenne, Jason, and Neptune were on their way home. The spring colors were bright and vibrant. Sunshine shone through the trees making the trails glisten. White fluffy clouds flew overhead, and the birds sang their songs. The bunnies grazed in the fields while the gophers tended to their young. Neighbors greeted each other every morning no matter what breed they were and kingdoms thrived. Everything looked as though it should have, but this was only the beginning of the adventure for Neptune and Sheyenne's family.  

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