Chapter 6 - THE NEXT STEPS

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In the early morning, Sheyenne and Neptune woke to the grass soaked in dew and the ground covered in a light mist. Separately, the Mustang and the Arabian got up off their mattresses and came out to sit at the table for breakfast. They found two empty places and dined with Fiona while Red went out with the Tennessee Walker troops patrolling.

"So, how was your night." Fiona asked getting up from the table taking the plates and exchanging them for tea cups and tea.

"Wait a minute.... you knew what happened last night!" Neptune spoke astonished.

"Why of course. Red and I set you up to walk further down or up the river bank to end up speaking to each other. I also figured at least one of you would pressure the other to confess." Fiona comes back to the table and joyfully sips her tea in amusement. All of a sudden Red comes through the door of the tent with a concerned look on his face. Fiona places her cup on the table and Red turns to face Neptune and Sheyenne.

"What's wrong?" Fiona questioned.

" The Mustangs have planned an attack on the Arabian castle." Red explained. Neptune rises from his spot next to Sheyenne and grabs his sword and sword belt.

"What are you doing?" Fiona puzzledly asked.

" Stopping my family from harming anyone else." Neptune replied stepping out from the tent. Sheyenne flies out of her seat and canters after Neptune. Fiona and Red watch quietly as the mare leaves. Outside Neptune is walking through the camp to the entrance as Tennessee Walkers nod and ask his opinion on things. Neptune nods back and responds to a few of the Tennessee' that ask for his opinion as Sheyenne comes cantering up behind him. Once the Arabian princess reaches Neptune's flanks she begins to speak.

" Neptune what are you doing!".

"I can't let my family hurt yours, it is not right." Neptune responded nodding to another horse.

"Neptune what are you going to do about it there is nothing that we can do except one thing!" Sheyenne yelled out of breath and over the noise of the camp.

"And I'm doing that one thing, fight them!". Sheyenne fells behind a bit when she heard his words. The young mare was surprised to see how much the stallion had changed over the course of a few hours. Sheyenne regains her mind and begins to take off after Neptune again when she bumps into one of the mares working around the Tennesse camp. The mares stumble t the ground. Bread, hay, corn, and apples go flying out of the basket tied to the mare's back. Immediately Sheyenne gets back on her hooves and apologizes.

"No, my dear princess, you seem to be doing something very important, please be on your way." The little maid mare said picking up her fallen belongings. Sheyenne nods to her and then gallops up to Neptune. The Arabian gallops right in front of him to where he can't move on forward.

"Neptune the only way to stop this is if we go together!". Neptune stops in his tracks and lets out a sigh before he speaks to Sheyenne.

"I don't want that though.".

"Why not Neptune?" Sheyenne asked.

"I'm afraid that something will happen to you." Neptune raises his head in an instant staring into Sheyenne's eyes for a few moments before lowering it again.

" Neptune, nothing is going to happen to me. I know how to fight. Probably even better than you do." Sheyenne told the stallion bending her head down to look into Neptune's eyes.

"Sheyenne, I don't know that!". Sheyenne rolls her eyes and then lifts Neptune's head up to look at her.

"I beat you the other day remember." Sheyenne bragged.

" I guess that is true." Neptune stated.

"You better believe it." Sheyenne jokes releasing Neptune. Neptune pulls his head away as Sheyenne steps forward and gives Neptune a kiss on his cheek. Surprised, Neptune smiles.

" So, what do you say? Can I come along?" Sheyenne flatters.

"I guess." Neptune teases. Sheyenne over joyed smiles before giving Neptune a hug and kisses him on the cheek before she goes back to the tent to grab her weaponry. When she returns the two head off toward the camp entrance.

"What am I getting myself into?" Neptune asked himself as he smiled at Sheyenne.

"Together, we are about to get into a whole crap ton of trouble." Sheyenne smiled back.

"You.." Neptune began jokingly, half a smile on his face. Sheyenne took off running. "Come back here!"

"Aaaa!" Sheyenne squealed as Neptune gave chase. 

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