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Sheyenne and Neptune walked a mile or two before they came to a suspicious area.

"So, yeah that is how it happened." Sheyenne was saying right as Neptune blocked her off with his leg.


"What?" Neptune just walked off.

"What?" Sheyenne asked again.

" Other horses." Sheyenne and Neptune walked as quietly as they could toward the suspicious area.

"Who's there?!" A voice called out.

"We are just passing through!" Neptune whinnied back.

"We don't mean any harm!" Sheyenne played along.

"Come out where I can see you!" The mysterious horse commanded. Neptune looked at Sheyenne and told her to stay put. The mustang stallion walked forward into the view of the other horse. "Isn't there a second horse?" The mysterious horse asked.

"Don't hurt her." Neptune demanded. The other horse nodded and Neptune gave Sheyenne a sign to come forward.

"Come forward."

"You hurt her and you'll regret it." Neptune warned.

"What are you her stallion?" The other horse asked.

"NO!" Sheyenne and Neptune both responded in unison.

"I'm just looking out for her after all, we all have each other, running away from our families." Neptune explained. Sheyenne stepped forward as she was instructed toward the unknown stallion. Neptune flinched as the stallion took a step closer to the Arabian mare.

"You look hungry. Please come with me to the Tennessee Walker camp. Both of you." The stallion said twisting his body around to face the opposite direction of himself and lead Sheyenne and Neptune toward his camp. Walking into the camp the three horses were greeted by a set of Tennessee guards. "Woah boys. It's alright, they are with me." The stallion reassured.

"They are Arabian and Mustang." One of the guards argued.

"I found them alone in the middle of nowhere. Plus the Arabians and Mustangs are completely against each other, so why would these two be together?" The two guards looked at each other and then one of them nodded to the stallion. Neptune, Sheyenne, and the stallion walked through the gates strait into the camp. Tennessee Walkers were busy building weapons, healing their wounded soldiers, making meals, discussing situations, and just hanging out. When Neptune and Sheyenne went by the Walkers paused to watch them walk by.

"I don't feel comfortable when they look at me like that." Sheyenne murmured to Neptune. Neptune glanced at the mare when the stallion spoke up.

"Here is the meal tent." All of a sudden another Tennessee Walker came trotting up to the stallion.

"Welcome back Red!" The unknown Tennessee said excitedly. The Tennessee had a bright red coat, and a long red mane and tail.

"Fiona!" The stallion also known as Red replied with the same amount of excitement galloping toward the mare. Neptune and Sheyenne watched as the two Tennessee Walkers collided together. Red and Fiona hugged each other and then kissed each other before either of them began to speak.

"Who are they?" Fiona asked motioning to Neptune and Sheyenne.

"Oh them, they are some horses I found wondering the around in the middle of nowhere." Red responded. Fiona just smiled and walked over to Sheyenne.

"I'm Fiona, please come with me. I will take good care of you." Fiona sweetly coaxed. Sheyenne felt nervous, but instead of letting her nerves take over she smiled and followed Fiona. Neptune unsure about the whole situation took a step to follow, when Red called after him.

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