Ch.12: Answers

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So many things were going through my mind. Why didn't they tell me earlier? How is this possible? Is this why Jake broke up with me? Did he think i wouldn't accept him because he was a wolf? Then i take a closer look at the wolf. It dawns on me that the wolf is the same wolf that saved me from that bear. The wolf takes a few steps closer. I cautiously take one small step back. He notices and stops. He sits to show me he won't move. I cautiously walk towards him.
Lexi- "Jake... Is that really you?"
He nods his head.
my mouth is wide open. I can't belive what I'm seeing. I fling my arms around his neck and sob into his soft, warm fur.
Later I finnally let go. He walks back into the woods and comes back out as normal Jake. I run up to him and give him a big hug. We walk back to everyone else.

Leah- Wait! hold up! So, now all of you guys are giant furry dogs?!
Seth- "Acctually, we prefer canine american."
Leah- "Okaay... but why didn't you tell us before?"
Embry- "We did it to protect you guys."
Lexi- "I also have a question. This one, for Jake. Is this the reason you broke up with me out of nowhere?"
Jacob- "Yes."
Lexi- "What, Did you think I wouldn't accept you? or something?"
Emily- "He did it so that this wouldn't happen to you," she says pointing at her scar, "When the wolves are just starting out, Its hard for then to control thenselves. He just didn't want to hurt you."
Lexi- "Oh, I see now."
Jacob- "I'm so sorry Lexi for what I did. It killed me to see you in that kind of pain. I love you. and I did it so that I wouldn't hurt you. But I can see that i already did." he sid while looking down at his feet.
Lexi- "It's okay Jake. I know that you didn't want to hurt me. I love you."
Jacob- "So does this mean you'll take me back?"
Lexi- "Of course." I say while giving him a big, passionate kiss.
All- "Awwwwww."
Leah- "Wait. This means your all wherewolves, right?"
Paul- "Yep"
Leah- "Well then... Okay."
We all walk back inside and continue to talk about all the details about wearwolves.

Jake walks me home. On the way he starts telling me something.
Jacob- "Hey Lexi, I have to ask you somehing."
Lexi- "Shoot"
Jacob- "Do you know what imprinting is?"
Lexi- "No. Care to explain?"
Jacob- "Well imprinting is when you feel this instant connection with one special person. It''s like they are the only thing that keeps you held to the earth. You have an unbrakeable bond with them. You feel the need to protect them and love then unconditionally."
Lexi- " So kinda like love at first sight?"
Jacob- "Yeah. But way stronger."
Lexi- "And I'm guessing your asking me this because you've imprinted on me?"
Jacob- "Uh..well...yeah."
Lexi- "Well, I think that is the sweetest thing in the world. I love you. and I'm so glad that it was you that imprinted on me."
Jacob-"and why is that?" He said with a smug grin.
Lexi-" Cuz if it where anyone else, it woulve just been weird." I say smiling then giving him a kiss. He drops me off at my house, and I leap into bed with a smile on my face.

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