CH.11: Harrasment... Then Finding Out

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I woke up and got dressed in this to go to school. I was in a pretty bad mood after the whole coffee fiasco yesterday. And it isn't exactly the perfect time of the month, If you catch my drift. I knew Jake wouldn't like the shirt I had on. But i wasn't to happy about my coffee yesterday, now was I? So I guess we're even now. I walk down stairs to see all the guys sitting around. Probably 'cuz Embry was taking forever. I look out the window to see if Leah's car was out there. It wasn't.

Lexi- "Hey Guys" I say wile grabbing a pop tart and ploping on the ground turnng on spongebob. As i walked by I knew Jake noticed the shirt. I looked at his face. It was kinda hurt.

Paul- "Really Lexi, Spongebob?

Lexi- "What? Who doesn't like spongebob?"

Paul- "True."

i hear a knock on the door.

Lexi- "Well thats Leah. Bye guys"

All- "Bye Lexi"

I hop in the car with Leah and we drive off to school.

*Science class (4th period)*

We were watching a videoe during science class, wich i have with Jake and Derrick, I have to sit next to Derrick, When I feel Something squeezing my thigh I look down and see Derrick's hand.

Lexi- "Derrick! Stop!" I whispered and slappedd his hand

Derrick- "Why should I. Everyone Knows you're single now. Just kiss me!" He says while pulling me towards him as he starts kissing my neck.

Lexi- "Derrick! Get off!" I say trying to push him off of me, but he's way too strong for me.

Derrick- "Hold still!"

Lexi- "Ow! Derrick, your hurting me!"I say while he has a major grip on my arm and around my waist.

Derrick- "Stop whining. you know you like it."

Lexi- "RAPE!" Everyone turns around and I feel Derrick being pulled off of me. I see Jake pounding his face in. A few teachers come in and pull them apart.

Teacher- "Boys to the office NOW!Lexi are you allright?"

Lexi- "Yes."

Teacher- "Good you should probably try to help explain what happened to the principal."

Lexi- "Okay."

Me, Jake, And Derrick are escorted to the principal's office where we sit down.

Principal- "What happened here?"

Lexi- "This ass clown here tried to rape me during science class!"

Derrick- "Did not!"

Lexi- "Well it was at least sexual harrassment!" i say crossing my arms.

Principal- "Tell me how it went."

Lexi- "Well, first he was feeling all up my leg. I hit it and told him to stop."

Principal- "And did he?"

Lexi- "No. Then he started kissing my neck. I tried to push away but he just held me tighter."

Principal- "I see."

Lexi- "I told him he was hurting me but he just said 'you know you like it' Then i screamed rape to get him off me."

Jacob- "And that's when I pulled Derrick off of her."

Derrick- "Then he started pounding my face in!"

Principal- "And why did you do that Mr. Black."

Jacob- "Because he was hurting Lexi! and he really deserved it."

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