Chapter 1: This is what I was born to do

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{Check Pic above for what Ava and Poppy look like! :}

-Ava's POV-

"Five minutes!"

Startled, I drop my sheet music when the stage managed abruptly yells through the door.

I glance up to the mirror over my dressing table. I look a sight. I'm pretty sure I'm about ready to have an all out panic attack. I've been mindlessly pulling at my long light brown hair, the once soft curls all but straight now. Not being able to keep my hands from shaking, all my sheet music falls to the floor.

"Come on Ava pull yourself together" I tell myself out loud. Like that's gonna help. I put my head between my knees praying that it will either ease my erratic breathing or magically transport me far away.

"Oh my God Ava not again!" I hadn't even heard my best friend enter the room.

I try to catch my breath with no such luck. This performance is not happening. "Poppy I can't do this! I have 3 minutes till I'm on stage, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass out in the next 2!" I finally spit out, my head still between my knees.

"Pull yourself together Ava! You're gonna be ace. You always do this right before a performance. And you always manage to pull yourself together, get your arse out on that stage, and do splendidly! You will be fine, you're the most talented person I know, other than myself of course."

"Haha Poppy!" I say sarcastically. I lean back up and begin to pick up the sheet music scattered around me. "Ugh! I just wish there was some way I could get my songs out there without having to sing them myself!"

"Ava you have a beautiful voice. I know you hate singing in front of people, but you must. Your writing is brilliant, you have to share it with the world! Just focus on the words, forget everything else. Someday the right person will hear your music, and this will have all been worth it."

"You're right Poppy. I just need to focus. Focus on the music. Nothing else matters."
I am failing miserably at calming myself, but I force a smile on my face. "Someday it will have all been worth it."

"Exactly. Now let me fix your hair. You look all out of sorts."

"I don't know what I'd do without you Poppy."

"Well right now you'd probably be heading your arse back to the states as fast as you can."

"It would take a lot more than this to ever get me back to the states believe me." I look back into the mirror as Poppy tries to fix the mess I made of my hair. I really was so lucky to find her when I moved to London. Though I couldn't wait to get out of the US and leave my old life behind, I was still afraid of basically starting my life over. But Poppy was my life saver. We hit it off immediately and soon after became roommates. She really helped me forget all the bad memories I left behind.

Poppy takes a look at her work, pushing her glasses up her nose and tucking her long blonde hair behind her ears. "There! Much better! You look stunning, now get out there!"

As I gently but forcefully am pushed to the door, I take several deeps breaths. I walk out of the dressing room and down the hallway that leads to the stage. Focus Ava, just focus. You can do this. It will be over in no time.

I reach the stage, and see my piano. The stage looks so barren with just my one instrument. Hopefully the crowd won't be disappointed I'm not like the usual band that plays here. Oh god, I don't think I can do this!

I don't realize Poppy is directly behind me until I'm literally shoved onto the stage. I hear some laughs coming from the front of the audience. Great, I already look like a fool. Well, there's no turning back now.

Walking over to my piano, my teeth are literally chattering, my hands shaking like crazy. Sitting down on the bench, I scoot up to the piano and speak into the microphone. I suddenly forget what I had rehearsed to say. Oh god...

"I-I'm Ava McCain. I'm going to sing a s-song I wrote. It's called Everybody Hurts."

I take one more deep breath before I place my fingers on the piano. As soon as my fingers touch the keys, all my nervousness disappears. This is what I was born to do.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! It only takes a second and it would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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