Chapter 76: "I'll go get him."

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-Ava's POV-

"Ava! Open the door!" We hear Niall yell as he continues to pound on the door.

Harry's head drops onto my shoulder as he groans, "He's dead. He's fucking dead."

"Ava!" Niall yells once again.

I close my eyes, frustration being felt in ever fiber of my being as the door is continuously pounded on.

"Well at least it isn't Louis this time." I say as I reluctantly push Harry off of me and grab my silk robe out of my bag.

I wrap it around myself as I head to the suite door. Pulling it slightly open I'm met with a very flustered Niall.

"Why aren't either of ya answering your bloody phones!?"

The door is grabbed from my grasp and pulled open the rest of the way by Harry. A very pissed off looking, but thankfully now boxer clad, Harry.

"Cause we actually wanted some fucking privacy for once." He answers Niall, "What the hell is going on?"

"Louie got arrested!"

"What?!" I gasp.

"I knew it!!" Harry yells.

I pull Niall inside the suite and close the door behind him.

"What happened?" I ask, trying to remain somewhat calm being Niall is flipping out and Harry looks like he's ready to massacre a whole village.

"He got wicked pissed and got in a bit of a fight with some French guy. Cops came and arrested both of them!"

"Oh my god.. Do the paps know?" I question.

"Not yet! He yelled at me as they were dragging him out. Said not to tell the folks and get his sister Ava to bail him out."

"What?" I ask, confused.

"He means don't let Paul or the others know cause he will get in proper trouble and have you bail him out, pretending he's your brother." Harry explains, shaking his head at the ridiculous idea.

"You got to get go him Ava! If the paps find out the whole band will suffer for it." Niall looks at me with fear in his eyes.

I nod, "I'll go get him."

"What? Noooo Ava. You don't need to get involved in one of Louie's cock ups, believe me." Harry speaks up, "I'll go get him."

"Yeah right, paps are outside just waiting for one of us to leave. They see you, they'll follow you." Niall points out, "But they won't pay attention to a woman."

"He's right. It needs to be me." I agree.

Harry shakes his head at me, "I don't like this."

"It's the only way mate!" Niall tries to convince him.

"Fine, but if something goes wrong you call me the second it does." Harry looks at me and I nod in agreement.

"I'll go throw on some clothes." I announce, heading towards the bedroom.

I quickly throw on some underwear, a white tank top, grey sweats, some flip flops, and grab my bag.

They are still standing in the foyer when I come out of the bedroom, Harry talking very sternly at Niall.

"Ready?" Niall asks. I nod as he hands me some keys.

"You take a taxi, you'll have to meet it out front where the paps are. You take the car Harry's been driving and they'll follow you. These keys are to a Prius in the parking garage. It's the car some of the stage crew use." Niall informs me.

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