Chapter 73: "It's called love."

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-Ava's POV-

I make myself a sandwich as I go over today's events in my head. The range of emotions I've felt today is just ridiculous.

This morning as we were laying on the couch I was almost positive there was no way I couldn't sign the contract and stay with Harry. He just seems to good to be true and I find myself wanting to be with him every second of the day. And then how he was with Lux just made me want to jump his bones right then and there. Seriously, Harry Styles with a little girl? Kill me now, I've lived a satisfied life.

But everything changed when he said he wanted kids. I've heard him say that alot before but I never really considered that I could be involved in that. And that's the thing, I can't be involved in that. No matter how much I would like to be. It's something that obviously matters a great deal to him and I could never ask him to give that up for me.

And then there's the charities to consider. The other sponsors have been calling me non-stop to try to get me to commit to them. The power I would have if I did means I could enact a change for the better. Really helping people. One of them is for abused women, which really hits close to home for me. I know if I chose that Harry would support me in the end, but I couldn't stay with him on tour. I would have to live in LA. And no matter how much I convince myself we could make it work, I know it would end up being to hard. We would never see each other.

God, why did I have to fall in love with him!?!

I couldn't help it, I don't know how anyone could. I know there's millions of girls who love Harry Styles, but the really Harry is so much more. The really Harry you don't just love, you fall in love with.

I toss my sandwich in the trash when I realize I've spread peanut butter over it so many times its now an inedible mess. I decide what I need is some fresh air, so after taking in my frumpy appearance I quickly change into a simple white crochet dress and flats. I grab my sunglasses before walking out of the bus and into the sunny warm air.

I make sure the security guy at the gate takes my name down so I can get back in before I walk down the busy street. I don't make it very far before several teenage girls stop me.

"Ava! Oh my god we love you! Can we please get a picture!?" They ask with very thick French accents.

"Sure!" I nod, shocked that they actually want a picture with me. I smile into the camera as I take a picture with each girl.

"You and Harry are just so cute together!"

"Thanks." I smile at them, "What's you girls twitter names? I'll see if I can't get him to follow you."

They squeel at my suggestion and quickly type them into my phone.

"Thank you so much Ava! Like wow!"

"Your welcome!"

They say goodbye to me and heads towards the venue. Well that was weird. A couple seconds later my phone dings with a twitter notification.

@1D4Ever: Just met @Ava_McCain!! Seriously the most gorgeous and sweet girl!! Love her and @HarryStyles together!!

@iloveyouniall: Jealous @HarryStyles? We were just hanging out with your girl @Ava_McCain. Love her!!

I smile at the tweets and pics they posted. At least I look decent. Thank goodness I changed out of my frumpy clothes. I find a little cafe a ways down the road and order myself a small sandwhich and a coffee.

I sit at one of the little tables outside the shop and wait for my food. Just as it arrives my phone beeps again with another twitter notification and a text message.

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