Chapter 48: "Over."

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-Ava's POV-

I wake up from a nightmare where Scott's hands are around my neck. I sit straight up in bed in a panic and look around before breathing a sigh of relief. He's not here.

I look over to find the sheets next to me empty. I place my hand on them and still feel the warmth Harry left behind. He must of gotten up just a few minutes ago.

"Harry." I call his name through the room.

His head soon pops out the bathroom door, "You alright love?"

"Yeah... I just didn't know where you were." I respond, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

He chuckles and comes and sits next to me on the bed. "Miss me that much already?"

"No, I was just... I woke up and... Well you weren't..." I stumble over my words and throw myself back down on my pillow, covering my reddened cheeks with my hands. "Please ignore me."

"No way." He laughs, his dimples popping as he pulls my hands off my face. "You're really cute when you're all flustered."

I laugh and instantly feel the sting of my cut on my lip. "Ouch."

Harry's face falls into one of concern as he places his finger on my lip. "It's bleeding again."

He grabs a tissue from the night stand and presses it gently to my cut, hoping to stop the bleeding.

That's when I see his knuckles.

"Oh my god Harry, your hands!" I exclaim, grabbing them so I can inspect them.

They are still red from the hits he gave Scott to face, the skin across his knuckles broken.

"Doesn't hurt." He shrugs, then looks into my eyes.

"I don't regret it.... Don't regret anything I did last night. Do you?" His voice wavers, uncertainty apparent in his tone.

"Well I wish I would have kicked him a couple more times in the balls," I chuckle before turning serious. "But other than that, no. I don't regret anything."

His smile lights up his whole face. "Would it be mad if I asked if I could kiss you?"

"No." I shake my head, "But I haven't brushed yet, so it's not happening."

I jump off the bed and go to the bathroom, hearing Harry groan in annoyment. There's no way I'm letting him kiss me with morning breath.

I quickly brush my teeth and use some mouth rinse. After washing my face, I brush the hair off my shoulders so I can see my neck. It's still red, faint imprints of Scott's hands on it. Running my hand over my bruised cheek I once again find Kesley staring back at me in the mirror. Tears sting my eyes as I run my finger over my busted lip.

Strong arms wrap around my waist and I look up to see Harry standing behind me. He rests his head on my shoulder.

"You're not her Ava. Not anymore." He says, his voice low.

How does he always know what I'm thinking? If I had that power my life would be so different. So much pain could have been avoided.

"I spent so many nights looking at a reflection just like this one in a mirror." I speak quietly.

He shakes his head, "I promise that you won't ever have to again. Won't let it."

"You can't protect me from everything Harry." I sigh.

"I can if you let me." He says, "God this is all my bloody fault!"

He lets go of me and sits down on the edge of the tub, placing his elbows on his knees and resting his head in his hands.

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