Chapter 63: Estates Holdings and Threats

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-Ava's POV-

The lawyer clears his throat before looking across the table at all of us, "Okay... First I will read off the charitable contributions Katherine wished to make at the time of her death."

I hear my father groan and I shake my head at him.

"She wished to donate One Million Dollars each to the following charities... Association to Benefit Children, Childrens' Aid Society, Safe Space, Art Start....."

He names off about fifteen various organizations, all of which my grandmother was involved in. Even at death she was a very giving person.

"Now for the matter of her estate and holdings..."

The look on my parents face makes me sick. They are literaly salivating over the prospect of getting her money.

"To her grand-daugther Ava McCain.."

"Wait what?" I cut him off.

"You had your name changed this past year, did you not?"

"Yes, but I..."

"Katherine had the will changed accordingly when you did."

I feel tears sting my eyes at the realization that she knew. Harry gives my hand a tight squeeze as I shake my head. I can't believe she knew.

"Well get on with it then!" My father barks.

"As I was saying... To her grand-daugther Ava McCain she leaves the penthouse located in Manhattan, New York; the villa in the south of France; a home in Los Angles, California; and all the belongings located in and around each property."

"And what about her stock holdings and money?" My mother leans foward, obviously annoyed at what I was given.

"She recently sold all of her stock holdings and converted them to cash." The lawyer responds.

"Okay then, what about the money!?" She presses him.

He nods, before placing the last paper in front of him, "To her grand-daugther Ava McCain she bequeaths the amount of one hundred and two million dollars."

I choke as my father slams his hand down on the table, "Is there any left then?!"

"Yes sir." The lawyer gulps, as my father glares at him, "To her son Robert Worthington she bequeaths the amount of fifty five dollars and fifty two cents."

Harry can't contain his laughter as my mother gasps and my father throws his phone across the room.

"Why the hell would she leave us fifty five dollars and fifty two cents!?" He roars, making me flinch.

"There is a note she listed along with the amount. It says that is the amount you told her she owed you after she left her checkbook at home one eveing."

My father gets up and picks up his chair, slamming it against a wall.

"You'll pay for this!" He points at me.

"I had nothing to do with this!" I defend myself. It's not my fault he was a complete bastard to her his whole life.

"Then give it to us." My mother looks at me pleadingly.

"You don't need it Kelsey, you have him." She points to Harry, "He'll take care of you, but we need this money."

"I don't need anyone to take care of me, I have plenty of my own money mother." I narrow my eyes at her. If only she knew how much. My grandfather was a genius when it came to the stock market, so whenever he bought, I bought. And whenever he sold, I sold.

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