Chapter 54: Testing Testing

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-Ava's POV-

I walk into the dressing room, finding Lou rummaging through her makeup case, cursing at various objects that she can't find.

"Need some help?" I ask as I walk up to her.

"Ava!" She exclaims, grabbing me into a tight hug. "How are you love?"

"I'm good." I hug her back and she holds me at arms length, checking my injuries.

"You look well, but how are you really?"

"I'm okay." I shrug, not really wanting to get into the details of the situation.

"Harry told me what happened. It's absolute madness!"

"Harry told you?" I ask, not wanting to believe it. How could he do that?!

"Yes, talk about a jealous ex-boyfriend. I've never heard of such a thing!"


"Yeah, he said that Scott fellow was an ex-boyfriend who was upset about you breaking it off with him. I'm glad you got away from him when you did. Seems like a mad brute to me, showing up drunk and ranting on about nonsense."

"Right!" I smile, breathing a sigh of relief. Obviously he had to tell her some reason, and I'm thankful he didn't tell her the whole truth. Harry knowing is plenty for me to deal with at the moment. The last thing I need is everyone finding out and either thinking poorly of me or looking at me like I'm a victim.

"And don't worry Ava, I didn't mention a word to the lads or anyone else. And Paul won't either. Harry made it pretty clear that it just needs to be kept between us."

"Thanks Lou, I really appreciate that."

"No problem. So how was your little holiday?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"It went well."

"Well. That's descriptive. So what happened between you two?"

"Nothing." I say, trying to hold back a smile.

"Oh come on Ava! Out with it!" She begs.

"We may have kissed..."

"Just kissed?" She asks, her face overtaken by a huge smile.

"Maybe a little more than that."

She surprises me by quietly screaming and giving me a tight squeeze, "Its about bloody time! Oh my god, I bet Haz is ecstatic! So are you publicly dating or what?"

"No, for now we are just going to keep things more private I think. Nothing official."

"Smart, very smart." She nods her head, "So can you please tell me how much you fancy the lad now? You're a woman, and we must be able to make a bit of a fuss over something like this."

"You won't tell Harry?"

"No of course not! Mums the word!" She promises, pulling me to sit down next to her on a couch.

"Okay. Well then..." I smile at her, "He's pretty much my most favorite person of all time in the history of forever. He's just so sweet. Soooo sweet. Like he thinks of all these little things, like how many packets of ketchup I like for different foods and he puts these cute little notes in my bunk all the time like telling me to smile cause I'm ace or he just leaves a piece of my favorite candy. And he can always make me smile, even after the most horrible thing happens. Always. And I try to pretend his jokes are ridiculous but I actually think they're hilarious and I really love them. And ugh, he's just far to good looking! Like beautiful, cute, hot, and sexy all at once if that makes any sense. And oh my god, he's an amazing kisser! Like wow. Like I get worked up just thinking about it. And his body is just so.."

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