Chapter 32: "It was bloody amazing."

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-Ava's POV-

It's been almost an hour since Harry went into his room and my mind is still racing.

What the hell were you thinking Ava!?

You were thinking you were alone in a house with a half naked Harry Styles!! What woman on earth wouldn't do something in that situation?! I wish I had more self control but it was sorely lacking the moment he came into the kitchen without a shirt on.

I thought I was so clever taking my sweater off. I wanted him to be just as worked up as I was. But I never thought he would get THAT worked up.

The minute I answered his question about being friends with benefits I knew I was done for. I hesitated before I answered, thoughts of him naked clouding my normally good judgement. I'll never forget the look on his face. Pure lust was written across it as his eyes went dark and he bit his lip. I'm sure mine didn't look much different as he backed me up to the counter.

I've never experienced that sort of passion before. My skin literally burned wherever he touched me. We just couldn't get enough of each other. Is this how it usually is for him?

Of course it is! He's fricking gorgeous, I'm sure all the women he has been with have been more than eager.

The thought of him with other women makes me sick. But it shouldn't. It was just sex, that's all.

Just sex.


But could it ever be just about sex with Harry? There's to many other emotions there, and I'm not even sure what those emotions are.

I know it would mean more for him. And no matter how hard I try to deny it, it would mean more to me as well. God knows I think he is the most beautiful thing on this earth, inside and out, but it wasn't just about attraction. I wanted to feel close to him. I wanted that connection with him.

God Ava what are you thinking!? You don't want that, you don't! You will just get hurt again. Even if it worked for awhile he would eventually realize he can do so much better than me, and he should. Better to not get my heart involved now then have to deal with that eventuality.

But there's one big problem.

I really think I'm falling in..


I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Poppy yells at me from across the room. I quickly get up and join her, Eleanor, Gemma, and Perrie in the kitchen.

Eleanor smiles at me as I enter, "So we were thinking we should go do some shopping while the boys take the boat out this afternoon. Have a little girl time."

"That sounds fun!" I breath a sigh of relief, glad to have an excuse to not be around a half naked Harry for the rest of the day. It's far to dangerous.

"Maybe we could get some manicures too." Perrie suggests, "My poor nails have been neglected with how busy our tour has been."

I really like Perrie. She had come to visit Zayn a few weeks ago and we really hit it off. It was cute to see how sweet and gentle Zayn was with her. And her fashion sense is amazing, so she is a great shopping buddy.

Poppy excitedly nods her head, "Sounds brilliant! And we'll just let the lads figure out dinner."

"Oh I've already got dinner decided on!" Niall pipes up, "It's gonna be wicked ace!"

"What are you thinking?" I ask.

"We're gonna grill!"

"What me and you?" I ask.

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