Chapter 13: Sunday Brunch

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-Ava's POV-

My 30 minute shower does little to relax me. Instead it leaves me alone with my thoughts and I'm more anxious now then I was before.

Leaning against my bathroom counter I realize I only have an hour before I need to be at Chiltern. I need to either cancel now or start getting ready.

Not coming up with a legitimate excuse to give Harry I decide I better try to make myself look presentable.

I put my hair up and began to put on some makeup. I decide to keep it simple with a little blush to my cheeks, some mascara, and a light pink lip gloss.

After approving of my work I head to my bedroom to pick out my clothes. I pull out a dress from my closet then quickly put it back.

I need to be casual, Harry's always casual. And this isn't a date.

20 minutes later I finally settled on some light jean shorts and a white crop top. I add a few pieces of simple jewelry and put on my black boots. I grab a flannel shirt and tie it around my waist. I always end up getting cold at restaurants.

Checking myself in the mirror I groan, not happy with my look. Glancing at the clock I realize this is as good as its going to get. I need to leave now.

After a short taxi ride, I arrive at Chiltern. I've never been here before, it's pretty pricey and very hard to get a table at.

Walking inside, A new wave of nervousness hits me. After getting a dirty look from the hostess, I look around and suddenly feel very undressed. Crap! Should of stuck with the dress.

"Name please!" She barks at me.

"Ummm, it is probably under Styles"

Her eyes scan the list in front of her. "Right. You have a table outside in our courtyard. Mr. Styles has already arrived."

I follow a waitress through the restaurant and out a side door that leads to the courtyard. She points me in the direction of my table and I spot Harry.

I smile to myself when I see what he's wearing. His normal black skinny jeans with a white tank top and a dark blue beanie. Thank god! Now I'm not the only one at this restaurant not in dress clothes.

When he sees me walk up to the table, he jumps up and gives me a hug.

"Morning Ava, you look beautiful."

"Thanks, so do you."

Realizing what I just said, I quickly sit down and put my menu up in front of my face. I mentally curse myself at my stupid response. So do you!? Really Ava?

I hear Harry chuckling. Great! Just great!

"So ummm, what's good here?" I ask from behind my menu.

"Well... I usually get an omelet, but everything's good I think."

Before I can answer him our waitress comes to take our orders. Harry orders his usual and I get the same.

Now that my menu's gone I no longer have something to hide behind. Harry's dimpled smile is now in full view and I want to melt at the sight of it. God, he's good looking.

"Soooo Ava... about last night."

Not wanting to begin this conversation I quickly grab my portfolio from my bag.

"Here's my portfolio." I shove it across the table at him. "It has my ten favorite songs in it. I have a lot more if you guys want to see them. I just figured I would start with those. In the back there is a cd of recordings of all them. It's just me singing so its nothing special, but I thought maybe you guys would like to hear them instead of just seeing them on paper."

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