Chapter 9

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Well, who would have thought that Scarlet Benoit, a Seven, would actually get a date with the prince. From what she could tell, the prince was a nice person. She saw how Cinder came back from the date with a smile. He also gave Cinder a rose, along with a note. Needless to say, it was the gossip of the day.

After lunch, the prince took Chiyoko on a walk around the palace after much nudging on the emperor's part.

At 3 pm, the prince showed up at Scarlet's door, much to her surprise.

Kai charmingly smiled. Scarlet did everything in her power not to wince. As much as she hated to admit it, she never much enjoyed attention from a boy. This was a bit of a new experience for her. But Kai's friendly demeanor helped to ease any nervousness away.

"Alright," he said. Hesitantly, Kai glanced sidelong at the bold girl, who raised an eyebrow at him. Her personal maid stifled a giggle. He nudged his head towards the back of the palace. "Shall we?"

Scarlet almost smiled at how much of a gentleman he was being, but then that would be dropping her act. So she rolled her eyes and pushed past him instead, brushing his hand slightly as to not seem too rude.

Kai simply chuckled. Walking through the hallways, Scarlet's eye snatched on a form standing at the corner of the hall. Her steps faltered to almost a complete stop. It was a man, very tall. His back was turned to her, so she only caught sight of his unruly hair and burly frame.

But then he turned around and caught her eye. Scarlet's breath hitched. They were the most brilliant green that she had ever seen. And inside, she noticed a wild gleam. And - although she would never say it out loud - she loved it.

Kai's call interrupted her thoughts. "Coming?" he asked from the end of the hallway, pushing open a door. Scarlet stumbled forward, almost tripping over her dress.

"Coming," she echoed.

They walked out of the palace and past the garden, into a gated court. The grass was neatly mowed, and three targets were set at the end of the field, so far that they could barely see the colored rings. White lines were sprayed across the field to indicate the distance between them.

"What did you do at home?" he asked. Scarlet gazed at him questioningly. "You know," Kai elaborated. "Before the Selection."

Scarlet looked like she understood, gazing into the distance as if remembering the past. "Well, I don't do much back at home. Grandmere and I just tend a farm and that's pretty much it." Kai's eyes widened in surprise.

"You like it? I can't believe that's all you do all day. Doesn't it ever get boring?" he asked, imagining what it would be like if he lived on a farm. Living in the palace was about as far from farming as it is.

Scarlet gazed into the distance fondly, thinking of her grandmother. "Life on the farm is never boring," she said after a pause. Kai nodded.

"Any hobbies, then?" he asked. Scarlet pursed her lips, glancing at the targets in the distance. She pursed her lips, fighting the smile that fought her way to her lips.

"Actually," Scarlet said, giving up and grinning fully, "I do target practice."

"Good thing that we came here, then," Kai said, returning her smile. He wandered to the edge of the field, where a bucket of arrows and bows was lying. Picking one up, he held it out to Scarlet. "Archery?"

Scarlet took it and ran her hands lovingly over the smoothly carved wood, plucky at the taut string. Grabbing the quiver of arrows, she strapped it to her back. "Archery," she agreed, heading towards the target.

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