Chapter 21

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"Say, Thorne," said Scarlet, coming out into the cockpit where Cinder and the said captain were sitting. "Is there any food on this jet?"

Thorne shrugged. "Maybe crackers and beef jerky. Help yourself."

Scarlet stalked out of the cramped space. Though really, it was cramped everywhere on the jet. It was obviously not made with the purpose of human comfort.

She started in surprise at the sight of Wolf, the mutant soldier already sitting among the crates in the storage area, hunting through the mountains of supplies. Wolf looked up his eyes widened for a moment before he recovered.

"Hi?" he started timidly.

"Hi." Scarlet walked closer to the crates while keeping an eye on Wolf. "Find any food that we can eat? Or really, anything to kill time with."

"Um, I found some dried fruits?"

Scarlet cheered. This was way better than what Thorne described. "Well, how about this. We eat half of this dried fruit, offer the rest to the pair in the cockpit as a peace offering or something, and then sort out these boxes."

Wolf shrugged. "Sounds about good."

They worked, opening boxes and examining the contents before pushing them into designated corners while eating some of the food they'd found. Scarlet soon discovered that Wolf ate a lot. And by a lot, she means twice as much as she eats. And Scarlet eats a lot. Perhaps more than a "proper lady" should eat. In fact, it would be safe to say that Scarlet ate almost as much as Thorne.

"Leave some for Cinder and Thorne, alright?" Scarlet reached across to pull the box away from him.

At that same moment, Wolf reached for more, and their hands collided over the box.

Scarlet froze. She looked up to see that Wolf was not moving, either. His vibrant green eyes were wide with surprise as he looked at her.

The brown eyes slowly met the green. There was an irrepressible pull between the two of them. At once, they started to move toward each other with mutual attraction.

Scarlet could almost touch him when the sound of static shocked them and they jumped apart with flushed cheeks.

"Hello? Does this work?" Cinder's voice came out of the intercom, slightly scratchy. There was a loud thumping noise before she continued again. "Scarlet, Wolf, if you can hear me, please come into the cockpit, or I'll send Thorne out searching for you." There were sounds of protest along the lines of 'I thought I was the captain' before Cinder added, "And be quick. We have a... sort of emergency."

Turning to see Wolf, who was bouncing his knee nervously and not looking at her, Scarlet marched out toward the front of the jet and heard Wolf coming after her.

When they reached the cockpit, Thorne was desperately punching away at the controls while Cinder stared off to the distance. "So, what's going on?" Scarlet started. It was strange. Thorne was frantic, but Cinder didn't seem to be worried at all.

Thorne tapped on the screen impatiently. "Our destination got locked!"

"What?" Wolf's deep voice sent a jolt through Scarlet.

"I said, our destination got locked! I can't control where we're going!"

Scarlet's eyes widened, then narrowed at Thorne. "Stars, what kind of an idiotic thing did you do this time?" She walked toward the controls. "Now I understand why Grandmere insisted on not using high tech. Because some brainless people mess it up." She shot another glare at Thorne.

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