Chapter 16

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Brokenhearted. That's how Kai felt at the moment. He had been so sure Cinder was the right one for him. They enjoyed each other's company so much- or at least, he did. But even if she didn't, they were good enough friends for her to have told him, right?

But no, it seemed.

When the footage was released, Kai was in shock and disbelief. Surely Cinder and what seemed to be Carswell Thorne, his best friend and guard, knew the rules of the Selection. Especially Cinder, since she's a part of it. Besides, though Thorne hit on girls pretty often, he didn't go for Cinder's type. She was pretty, no doubt, but he usually went for the type that go to clubs. The ones that show too much skin for Kai's liking. It was scandalous to him.

But once again, he was wrong.

For when he sent for the captain of the Guard and Air Force, he was not to be found. Neither was Cinder. Nor a Rampion jet that was reported to be in repair.

And Cinder was a mechanic, wasn't she? He couldn't ignore the truth much longer. His best friend and a girl he was actually interested in for once had escaped.


A knock from the door shook him from his dream-like state on the couch in his office. "Your Highness?" Kai groaned, sitting up and smoothing out his shirt. Much good that did to its crumpled state.

"What is it?" Torin entered the room.

"It seems that we have found the one responsible for releasing the footage of the... affair to the media."

Kai winced. "Torin, please, don't... I can't think of it as an affair."

"Your Highness, I am sorry to say that it indeed looks like an affair. But wouldn't you like to know who it was that released the information before it was even processed by the palace technicians?"

"Yes." Kai sat up. "I'm sorry, Torin. Proceed."

"It seems, my prince, that the one who released the footage was none other than the stepsister of Cinder Linh."

Kai jolted. "Pearl Linh? How?"

"The tech personnel found evidence. They have hidden cameras in the tech room, and many other programming techniques that they can use to track the identity of the user."

Kai covered his eyes. "So the proof? It's reliable? We're sure it's Pearl Linh?"

Torin sighed. "Yes. I know you don't want to deal with this, but you must."

"Well, I'll go and find Miss Linh-" Once again, he was interrupted by a knock.

"Your Highness and Royal Advisor, Miss Mori is requesting entrance," the page boy reported with a salute.

"Let her in," Kai responded as he sat up and tried, again, to smooth his shirt. He stood up just in time, for Chiyoko Mori swept into the office with what seemed like a distressed look.

"Your Highness, are the rumors true?" She curtsied hastily and awkwardly. Odd, Kai thought. Wasn't she a Two?

"The rumors?" Torin was absurdly calm. Maybe it was just his diplomatic mask.

"Surely you've heard about them?" Chiyoko walked to the couch that Kai had just stood up from and sat down, leaning closer to him than he would've been comfortable with, especially now that Cinder wasn't here. Cinder is the only one that he would want to have that close.


Cinder was the only one he wanted that close. Not anymore.

"Your Highness?" Torin's voice brought him back to reality.

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