Chapter 12

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"Cinder?" A knock at the door startled Cinder out of her dreams.

"Who is it?" she called back. Iko was on her evening break (though Cinder suspected that she was actually on a date) and she was left by herself in the afternoon.

"The amazing, devilishly handsome Captain of the Guards and the Air Force."

Cinder snorted. "Fine, you can come in." The door promptly burst open. "Why are you here?"

"To play a card game!" Thorne shrugged as if it was what a captain and a lady did on a regular basis. "Scarlet's coming, too, when she's done pa- preparing herself," he ended lamely. Cinder narrowed her eyes at him. "Never mind, she'll explain for herself when she gets here."

As if on cue, someone knocked gently on the door again. "Let me in, I'm Scarlet."

"Only if you say 'pretty please, my dear Captain'," came the reply from Thorne. Cinder rolled her eyes and could practically feel Scarlet roll hers. "Come in, Scarlet." Scarlet came in wearing jeans and a casual top.

"Why are you wearing that? Aren't we supposed to wear dresses all the time? Or a fancy shirt, at least." Scarlet bit her bottom lip.

"Because I'm leaving?" Cinder froze. "I'm sorry, Cinder. Kai and I are fine with being friends, is all. We do love each other, but not romantically. I'm afraid he's reserved that for you." Scarlet quirked her lips into a small smile.

"Alright," Cinder managed to get out after a moment of silence. "Can we stay friends? You're the only friend I've had besides Peony."

"What about me?" Thorne whined. Scarlet gave Cinder a smile, completely ignoring Thorne.

"That's why I came here, besides playing cards with Carswell here." She handed Cinder a slip of paper. "Here's my phone number and address. Please stay in touch. I know you will."
Cinder was finally smiling, too.

"Thanks so much, Scarlet." Cinder gave Scarlet a hug.

"Are you sure you can't bake those macaroons again before you leave? You know, the ones you and Cinder made two days ago." Thorne was making a pouty face.

"Cinder knows how to make them, Thorne. You can ask her to make them for you." Cinder grinned.

"I know how, but I can't make them as well as you, Scarlet. You know that."

Scarlet sighed and said, "Whatever. At least you learned how to make them. Now, how about that card game?"

They spent the next two hours playing cards, exchanging silly childhood stories. Who would've known that Carswell Thorne had a girlfriend in preschool?

By the time it was dinner, the trio had agreed that they would write letters to each other.

"Are you okay, Cinder?" Kai had come up behind her after dinner.

Cinder sighed. "Scarlet."

Kai wrapped a comforting arm around her. "It'll be okay. She did tell you we're staying friends, right? Besides, you'll have me. You won't be alone." Cinder laughed lightly.

"And the captain." Kai stiffened, but laughed too.

"So you've met him? Please don't call him Captain. His ego is big enough."

"I won't." Cinder smiled at Kai. "Do you mind if I retreat for the night?"

"Not at all, if you allow me to accompany you back to your room."

Cinder shrugged. "Deal."



"Miss?" Pearl's maid poked her head through the door. "Are you available? Miss Mori would like to see you." Pearl sat up and rearranged her skirt.

"Chiyoko? Let her in, then." She'd barely finished her sentence when the door burst open to reveal Chiyoko with a scowl on her face. Despite that, she was beautiful. Her dress was red, vibrant red, but darker than Benoit's scarlet hair. It had swirls and intricate loops done in gold thread, made to imitate the traditional Chinese dress. Needless to say, it looked wonderful on the Japanese girl.

"I cannot imagine," Chiyoko snarled as she swept into Pearl's room, "what your maid has that could charm the prince! She got the first date, I just saw Prince Kaito walk her back while blushing, and there are rumors from the servants that they were kissing the night of the attack." Chiyoko whirled around. "What is going on?"

Pearl's eyes popped out of her head. "You think I would know? I didn't even know she joined until she was selected! None of us did!"

"Then help me kick her out!" Chiyoko shrieked. She stomped over and plopped onto Pearl's bed.
Pearl stared at her. "We can do that?"

Chiyoko rolled her eyes. "Of course we can. Since she's Kaito's favorite, I don't think spreading rumors about her would be a good idea. No, I think framing her would be better. Is she good at making friends?"

Odd, Pearl thought. Odd that she would get it right the first time. "Indeed," she said slowly. "She became friends with a Seven on the plane. You know, the farm girl? Scarlet Benoit, I think it was."

Chiyoko looked thoughtful. "Ah, yes. I think the duo recently started to visit the servants' quarters with snacks? Before Benoit left, of course."

"Oh, but Cinder visits them on her own as well. Do you suppose she knows any of the guards? Perhaps-"

"She does," Pearl interrupted. "How will we have proof of her 'affair'?"

Chiyoko smirked. "Well, I'm sure there are security cameras."

Pearl nodded. "So I'll expose the recording at the right time?"

Chiyoko shrugged. "Unless someone else lets it out first." She stood up. "Well, I'll be on my way. Let me know when there's progress. I'll do likewise." With that, she left.

Unbeknownst to both the girls, Prince Kaito had ordered recorders to be installed in each and every room, to serve as evidence at the right time, undiscovered, in case there were secret plans made. It was only a matter of time, for the tapes were checked only when there was actually a scandal.

So really, for the time being, these two were safe.



Dear Cinder,
I got it! The second letter from you, and the flowers! I can only imagine what a kind darling Prince Kaito is. His soft hair, dreamy copper-brown eyes, and so much more. Oh! Did you get to run your hands through his hair while kissing him yet? That must feel wonderful!
Did he get you any flowers? I certainly hope he did. It's kind of rude to get flowers for your girlfriend's sister while not getting anything for you girlfriend. You can't imagine my thrill when I got your letter. I was happily reading along when the messenger cleared his throat and handed me the bouquet. It was so pretty! And you let the prince write a bit to me at the end of your letter! I love his handwriting! Did you know, I've been studying the art of matchmaking. Even without it I can tell you and Kaito are going to make a great couple. I even have a ship name, Kaider! Do you like it? I think I like this maid of yours. Iko, right? Perhaps maybe I'll get a chance to visit you in the palace and I can meet her. I have a feeling we'll be great friends.
So the Lunar court is visiting? I wonder why they're here, during the Selection. Are they as terrible as the rumors? Is Her Majesty as beautiful and horrid as the rumors tell? You've got to tell me all about it! I'm so sorry I can't write more at the moment. Mom wants me to wash the dishes. Please write back soon, I love you so much, Cinder! Best of luck in the Selection, I know Prince Kai will love you! 


P.S. My phone broke and I brought it to the shop on the corner. I still can't get used to you not fixing my broken electronics, but there was a cute boy working at the shop! I hope to see more of him :)

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