Chapter 22

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"Are you sure Kai wants to see me?" Cinder asked, wringing her hands nervously in front of her.

Thorne snorted. "Please. The prince is head over heels for you. He would love you to death even if you murdered him."

"But he would already be dead before anyone murdered him," Scarlet pointed out.

Thorne shrugged. "He'd rise from the grave just to be with her."

Smacking the captain on the back of his head, Cinder scowled. "The best we can hope for is that our jet won't be shot down by the palace guards." Thorne held his head with a puppy-dog-eyes expression. Looking out into the distance, Cinder could see the tips of the palace towers coming into view. She let out a long breath. "From there, we can keep planning."

"So we're just winging it, then?" Wolf asked around his mouthful of canned tomatoes as the juice dripped from the corners of his mouth between his sharp teeth. Cinder hesitated, but she nodded.

Wolf grinned, showing off his canine teeth. "I like it."

"We're nearing the palace," Thorne piped up, pointing ahead at the rising buildings. Their heads all swiveled towards the view. "Where do we land, Cinder?" he asked, slowing down the jet.


"I know a place," Scarlet interrupted. Cinder smiled at her gratefully. "Behind the palace, there is an archery field. It's gigantic, and our jet would probably be able to land there safely without crushing anybody."

Thorne nodded. "Great plan."



"The last section of our plan is coming together quite neatly," the queen gloated gleefully, interlocking her fingers to illustrate what she was saying. "Now all we have to do is get rid of our last little obstacle."

"Prince Kai is currently in the astronomy observation tower," Sybil informed her.

Levana hummed thoughtfully, rising gracefully. The guards all bent to their knees, bowing down their heads as she swished past them. Turning, her bloodred lips curled into a maniacal grin. "I guess we should be heading towards that tower, then."



"Is all going to plan?" Cinder asked for the thirteenth time.

Thorne sighed in frustration. "For the last time, yes."

"Nothing is going to happen, Cinder," Scarlet gently chided her. "We're going to land in about two minutes. The worst that could happen is the jet crash landing and that we all die!"

"Not very comforting, but thanks," Cinder said sourly.

"Just think, you could be seeing the prince - the love of your life - in two minutes!" Scarlet continued, her eyes sparkling.

Cinder shot her a glare, but she did soften up thinking of the prince. Sighing, she conceded, "Alright. I'll try to relax."

Plopping down into a chair, she watched the tall towers of the palace whiz by as they flew towards the archery field. Cinder couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery seen from the altitude that they were flying in.

The lush, green trees spanning the meadow, the palace towers lined with gold and sparkling stones, Queen Levana's veil rippling in the wind - wait.

Cinder shot up in her chair as she saw a glimpse of what she thought was the Lunar queen fly by. "Winter, is that your stepmother?" she asked incredulously.

Winter glanced back through the window with dreamy eyes. "Oh, her veil is just so beautiful, yet so thin. It barely hides anything," she cooed, still in her own world. Cinder's eyes widened in panic, hitting Thorne's shoulder.

"Wheel the jet around." When Thorne glanced at her questioningly, she yelled, "NOW!" Jerking the jet backwards, they changed directions, now heading back towards Queen Levana. Cinder was sure that it was her now.

Without warning, she yanked open the jet door. The jet jerked wildly, and Thorne gave a surprised shout, using all his power to keep the jet from tilting. Various items were being sucked out, including Winter. Jacin grabbed her and pulled her back inside before she could fall to her death.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Thorne roared. Cinder didn't hear. Keeping one arm looped on a metal handle, she leaned out the door, her hair whipping in her face. I can do this, she thought as the tower neared. Bending her knees slightly, she tightened her leg muscles. One... two... three.. NOW!

Cinder jumped, but what she didn't know was that there was somebody coming right behind her. "WINTER, WHAT ARE YOU-"

Thump. Tumbling in a giant pile, Cinder and Winter rolled across the length of the roof. Their elbows and knees scraped against the roof shingles, and they grunted with pain every time. In the end, they were stopped by a sharp point digging into Cinder's side.

She let out a yelp and the point jabbed in her hip, rolling her away from Winter. Cinder landed face up, the sun blinding her momentarily. However, she could make out one thing: Queen Levana's veiled face leering at her from above.

"Oh dear. Look what the cat brought in," she purred with satisfaction. Immediately, Winter and Cinder scrambled to their feet. The Lunar princess hid behind the bolder mechanic. Cinder's eyes flickered to Kinney, a guard, standing behind the queen. His face was stoic, betraying nothing, but his gun had been drawn. "How are my favorite stepdaughter and niece doing?"

"What are you doing up here?" Cinder snapped instead of answering Levana's question.

The queen barked out a laugh. "I've come to make my plan successful, but of course, here you are. It seems you are always destined to stop me, hmm?" Levana snarled.

"I'm not going to let you kill Kai," Cinder said bravely, conveniently barring the way for the queen.

Levana sighed dramatically. "Oh, look. Young love. I hope you realize soon that your relationship is going to fizzle out like a dead light bulb. You will contribute nothing to the kingdom of Commonwealth!" Levana yelled, losing her composure. Calming down, she cocks her head to the side, her lips curled in an ugly snarl. "I guess I'll just have to get rid of you." She stepped aside, turning to her guard.

"Kinney, kill them-" She was cut off as her guard suddenly pushed her towards the edge of the roof. Levana screeched as her high heel caught on one of the roof shingles, the shoe coming off as she tripped backwards, falling over the edge. But not before she grabbed Cinder's wrist and dragged her down with her.  

Sorry for taking so long to post! I forgot... Again. But here is the long awaited update that we owed you guys! Please continue to support us and don't forget to smack the vote button. WE LOVE Y'ALLS. 

Oh and sorry for the cliffhanger. We appreciate you, we promise.

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