~Chapter one~

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First day of school. First day of junior year. Being in the most popular group in school, having one of the most popular boyfriends, and being on honor roll. Check. Perfect year, here I come.

"Michelle, someone is in our spot," the voice interrupted my day dream. I clench my books closer to my chest as I adjust my eyes over to the tree. Seeing a frail girl with short black locks with pasty skin.

"It's fine, Hannah. We can find a new spot-" I say looking around, just to be cut off by Hannah.

"No, that is our spot and has been." After her statement, she starts to make her way over to the tree with the pale girl under it. I follow closely behind, digging my finger nails into the textbook.

"Hey, you!" Hannah shouts, making her way to the feet of the girl. Hannah's body language showed her dominance. Arms crossed and head held high. "What are you doing?" Hannah's voice was piercing, as her eyes burned into the girl.

"I am sitting-" the girl spoke with a quiet voice which was killed with Hannah's.

"You are either new or empty-headed. Move, this is our spot." The glare of Hannah did not just scare the girl but me as well. The girl quickly shoved her papers into her bag before getting up to leave. Hannah flashes her a quick faux smile to the girl as she leaves.

"Was that necessary?" I say, while my eyes follow the girl before looking at Hannah as she sits down where the girl was. I walk over placing my bag down next to her.

"Everyone needs to know that this is our spot." She glances up at me then her focus moves behind me as a true smile grows on her face. I turn around to see Louis making his way over to us.

"What is up, my girls?" Louis says with a raspy voice as he places his arm on my shoulders. I smile, slipping out from under him.

"Hi, Louis." I spoke up with a cracking voice as I sit down next to Hannah.

"Hey, baby." He crouches down in front of Hannah, leaning in for a kiss. I roll my eyes, as my eyes leave them soon getting attached to the pale girl from under the tree staring over at us from the other side of the school yard.

"Hannah?" I say, keeping my eyes on the girl before she turns walking away.

"Hm?" She hums as she pulls out of Louis's kiss, Looking over at me.

"Never mind."


     My new notebook has already been infested with doodles. It is not even third period yet and I am so over this day. History makes me want to take this pencil and shove it in my neck just so I can end it early.

"Michelle? I asked you a question." Mr. Hines says as he leans back onto his desk, placing his hands on either side of him. His eyes stared me down.

"Mr. Hines, she had a boring summer. Just partying, drinking, drugs, and getting laid."

I quickly wake up from my daze, turning in my seat to look back at Lance as he smirks at me. I glare at him grabbing my pencil throwing it at him. His dodge causes the pencil to hit Melody. She looks up quickly from her phone hidden under her desk, pulling her earbuds out.

"W-What is going on?" Melody speaks up with a confused tone. I turn myself to Mr. Hines watching him start walking over to Melody. He stands at her desk putting his hand out to her.

"No phones in class. You can get it back after ." He said sternly as she hands him her phone. I watch as Mr. Hines walks back to his desk placing her phone on it. I glance back at Melody as we make eye contact.

"Sorry," I say softly then turning back to the front of the room.

"M-Mr. Hines, I was reading a good story on the daily news. I need my phone so I can start my story on it-" Melody stands up from her desk protesting as she's cut off.

"Lance, you will stay after class because of your... actions towards Miss. Stewart and Melody, you write stories for the school paper. Get your nose out of the daily paper." Melody sits back down in her seat as Mr. Hines continues onto the lecture.


As the bell rings, all the students frantically grab their belongings. Making their way out of the class. Melody runs to the front of the class grabbing her phone off Mr. Hines desk and dashing out the door. Lance stays in his seat. I look back at him, he smirks at me.

"I will see you later, Miss. Stewart." Lance copies Mr. Hines voice. I make a small laugh to myself before a cough from Mr. Hines hints for me to get out of his class. I grab my bag, leaving the classroom the door closing behind me.

"Shelly!" A voice called for me from behind. Only one person called me Shelly. I smile turning around seeing a girl with long light brown hair with tanned skin.

"Tori!" I shout, making my way over to her giving her a big hug. I lay my chin on her shoulder as her peachy perfume filled my nose.

"God, I missed you. It has been forever." Tori cheerfully exclaims, pulling back from the hug but keeping ahold of my arms.

"I have missed you too. How was your trip to Australia? You are so tan. So jealous. Did you see any hot boys?" I say as we both giggle over the thought. Tori's eyes look behind me.

"Speaking of hot guys..." She turns me around to clash into somebody. I look up from them and smile seeing who it was.

"Dustin..." I smile at him as he leans down and gives me a peck on my lips.

"Why do you care about these Australian hot guys?" He says with a crooked eyebrow and a slight smirk.

"I don't. I care about this hot guy." I say, wrapping my arms around Dustin's body. I lay my head on his chest, adjusting it to look at Tori as she rolls her eyes with a small smile.

"Come on, you two star-crossed lovers. I bet Hannah and Louis are at the tree."

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